
Hangzhou, China

pinyin JavaScript 7227

:cn: 汉字拼音 ➜ hàn zì pīn yīn

detector JavaScript 883

:dog: 客户端环境识别模块。(UserAgent detector)

pangu.vim Vim Script 317

『盘古之白』中文排版自动规范化的 Vim 插件

markline JavaScript 149

:m: Timeline via Markdown.

nong JavaScript 129

中国农历 (Nong Li)

rime Makefile 99

闲耘的 rime 输入法配置

gitlab-notifications 58

:+1: Notifications Center for GitLab

gitplus JavaScript 57

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: git+ is a hack of git, smart for you.

gitopen JavaScript 42

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Open git/hg/svn remote url via web browser from terminal.

unistring TypeScript 23

Unicode String for JavaScript

template.vim Vim Script 18

Smart load template for Vim.

hongbao 18


rm-trash Shell 17

rm-trash is utility for safely remove files in Termail.app of macOS.

calendar-vim * Vim Script 16

calendar vimscript

vim-desktop-calendar 15

Printable Vim desktop Calendar 2024

versioning JavaScript 14

Semantic Versioning Number Compare

lcal JavaScript 12

lcal: 农历事件自动生成器 (Lunar Calender)

hotoo.github.io HTML 11

jsgf.vim Vim script 10

Improved `gf` for JavaScript, TypeScript and package.json.

vimlide JavaScript 10

Vimlide: Vim-like HTML(5) Slide.

obsidian-markline TypeScript 9

Markline: Markdown timeline view in Obsidian.

url JavaScript 9

Uniform Resource Locator.

chrommon.js JavaScript 9

A Module Loader for Google Chrome Extensions.

Vimmer 8

Vim user contact list.

kissy-editor JavaScript 7

KISSY Rich-Text Editor

vimwiki-to-markdown JavaScript 7

Convert Vimwiki to Markdown

jstidy C++ 7

Javascript tidy (Lexical analysis, Syntax Analysis, Semantic Analysis, Formatter, Compression, Outline view)

apassword JavaScript 7


star JavaScript 7


spm-build-deps JavaScript 7

Build project all deps

Edit-with-Vim-tabs 6

Edit with Vim tabs

vimkey JavaScript 6

Vim-like key mapping

more.vim * VimL 6

一用就愛上的中文假文產生器之 Vim Plugin. XD

googletranslate-vim * VimL 6

Translate between English and Locale language using Google

perf-javascript-error JavaScript 5

Performance test for JavaScript Error.

rhythmaware JavaScript 5


jobs 5

🐜 蚂蚁集团・数字金融技术部招聘

markdown.vim 5

js2json JavaScript 4

Convert JavaScript Object to JSON format.

eggjs-gf.vim Vim script 4

goto file for eggjs( support router, controllers, services, proxy, enums)

smartree JavaScript 4

Smart Tree

BaiduIndexAPI.java Java 4

第三方百度指数 API (Java版)

round-percent JavaScript 4

Round Percent Widget

highlight-cursor-word.vim Vim script 3

Highlight words which under text-cursor(caret) for Vim.

life Makefile 3

@hotoo's life line. A sample for use [markline](https://github.com/hotoo/markline).

blog JavaScript 3

 · 闲耘™・博客

hundun JavaScript 3


bing-wallpaper * Shell 3

Bing.com wallpaper for OS X, and any Unix like desktop (eg. Ubuntu).

jsonmatter JavaScript 3

JSON formatter tool by stream.

orderby JavaScript 3

SQL like sort function.

blacklint Shell 3

Check certain words.

echo JavaScript 3

Echo for Web UI, a replicator.

gitruth Shell 3

Clean Git Files Forever.

firebug-lite-ie 3

Firebug Lite for IE.

chinese-lunar-calendar 3


csspretty.vim VimL 3

add-to-things-3 * 2

Chome extension that adds any page to the Things 3 task manager for macOS.

Jumsoft-Money-zh_CN.lproj 2

Jumsoft Money 简体中文语言包。

linkage JavaScript 2


fastclone JavaScript 2

The fast clone way

gaegtalk Python 2


seajs-gettext JavaScript 2

GNU `gettext` like for seajs.

Doit.vim 2

Vim plugin for Doit.im

Alice * JavaScript 2

Alice - 写CSS的更好方案

vimium * JavaScript 2

The hacker's browser.

raphael * JavaScript 2

JavaScript Vector Library

gist-vim * VimL 2

vimscript for gist

nodejieba * C++ 1


obsidian-daily-notes-interface * 1

Package to create, open, and find daily notes from your Obsidian plugin

iBook * 1


samoyed Makefile 1

The samoyed life timeline who named Summer.

CS-Books-Store * 1


twitter JavaScript 1

@hotoo tweets page.

nerdtree * VimL 1

hax0r vim script to give you a tree explorer

nerdcommenter * VimL 1

Vim plugin for intensely orgasmic commenting

tabbar JavaScript 1


scripts JavaScript 1

很久之前在 Google Code 上备份的代码

repeatable JavaScript 1

之前写的『可重复新增』模块,后来写了全新的 Echo,这个模块闲置没管,因为换电脑先备份在这。

NERD_tree-Project * VimL 1

It tries to find out root project directory, browse project file with NERD_tree.

vimcdoc * Python 1

Vim 中文文档计划

family-tree-builder-zh_cn 1

Family Tree Builder 简体中文语言包

pasteboard JavaScript 1


imagic JavaScript 1

Imagic send data by image, for tests mock.

.gitblacklist Shell 1

Check and Reject certain words commit into git repository.

md5 * JavaScript 1

JavaScript MD5 implementation. Compatible with server-side environments like node.js, module loaders like Seajs, RequireJS and all web browsers.

open-basketball-court 1


.n-completion 1

n completion

spm-xgettext JavaScript 1

GUN xgettext-like for spm.

Chronos JavaScript 1

Sync Server and Client Time by Javascript.

my-mind * JavaScript 1

Online Mindmapping Software

jsbc JavaScript 1

JavaScript code Batch Compiler

jquery.mousepause.js JavaScript 1

Add mousepause event for jQuery (trigger when mouse move stoped).

jquery.editable.js JavaScript 1

facebox * JavaScript 1

Facebook-style lightbox, built in jQuery

kissy * JavaScript 1

An Enjoyable UI Library

BaiduIndexAPI.php 1

第三方百度指数 API (PHP版)

Snotra 1

Vim-like WYSIWYG Web Editor

jquery.checkallable.js JavaScript 1

支持Checkbox 和 Radio,及 shiftKey 多选功能。

lottie-compress * 0

react-sanitized-html * JavaScript 0

A React component that will sanitize user-inputted HTML code, using the popular sanitize-html package

ossart * 0

Print your GitHub activity as an artwork

obsidian-simple-mention * 0

Obsidian plugin for mentioning people

obsidian-lunar-calendar * 0


timeline-test * 0

Life - a timeline of important events in my life

obsidian-releases * 0

Community plugins list, theme list, and releases of Obsidian.

obsidian-fuzzy-chinese * 0

packages * 0

📦 Package configurations - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers.

vscode-dashboard * 0

A speed-dial like project dashboard for VSCode.

copy-title-and-url-as-markdown * TypeScript 0

Chrome Extension: Quickly copy the title & url of current tab as Markdown style

obsidian-calendar-plugin * 0

Simple calendar widget for Obsidian.

hotoo 0

spm-init-template JavaScript 0

Unofficial init template for spm3.

rime-pinyin-simp * 0


vim-commaobject * 0

A text object for manipulating comma-delimited lists

projj * JavaScript 0

Manage repository easily.

gulu-gf.vim Vim script 0

`gf`: goto file for gulu in Vim.

sia 0


tostr JavaScript 0

Converts object to string.

snippets Vim Snippet 0

Vim snippets for snipMate.

git-branch-alias Shell 0

branch-alias subcommand for git

stringify-object * 0

Stringify an object/array like JSON.stringify just without all the double-quotes

dumi * 0

📖 Documentation Generator of React Component

EmojiCharString * JavaScript 0

Based on a RegExp to work with JavaScript String's unicode problem.

vim-markdown-folding * 0

Fold markdown documents by section.

ant-design * CSS 0

:ant: A design language

js.org * 0

Dedicated to JavaScript and its awesome community since 2015

code 0

My code snippets

lantern * Go 0

Open Internet for everyone. Lantern is a free desktop application that delivers fast, reliable and secure access to the open Internet.

sketch-diff * JavaScript 0

:gem: diff ur Sketch 43 files

fanyi * JavaScript 0

🌐 A translate tool in your command line.

left-pad * JavaScript 0

String left pad

tmp JavaScript 0


md-img-paste.vim * Vim script 0

paste image to markdown

coffee * JavaScript 0

Test command line on nodejs

m-tabs * TypeScript 0

React Mobile Tabs Component (web & react-native)

ant-design-mobile * TypeScript 0

A configurable Mobile UI

json-to-js 0

Convert JSON string to JavaScript formatter.

atpl-include-problem JavaScript 0

jquery-mockjax * JavaScript 0

The jQuery Mockjax Plugin provides a simple and extremely flexible interface for mocking or simulating ajax requests and responses

chrome-gitlab-notifier * JavaScript 0

Notify Gitlab Project events (Commit, Issue, MergeRequest and Milestone)

eslint-config-egg * JavaScript 0

Node Style Guide for Egg.

banks-db * JavaScript 0

Returns bank name and brand color by bankcard prefix (BIN)

nico * JavaScript 0

nico is a front-end friendly static site generator, best for web developers like you and me.

try 0


Leaflet.ChineseTmsProviders * JavaScript 0

Provider for Chinese Tms Service

highcharts * JavaScript 0

Highcharts JS is a JavaScript charting library based on SVG and VML rendering.

cascader * JavaScript 0

cascade select in one box

evt JavaScript 0

A mini event module.

react * JavaScript 0

A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

vanke 0


spm-webpack * JavaScript 0

SPM project bundler based on webpack.

eslint * JavaScript 0

A fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript.

koa * JavaScript 0

Expressive middleware for node.js using generators

snipmate.vim * VimL 0

snipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim.

open_terminal.vim VimL 0

Unofficial Open Terminal Vim plugin.

shadowsocks * Python 0

regexp * JavaScript 0

Regular Expression Parser in Pure JS

s5 * HTML 0

Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System

highcharts-release * JavaScript 0

Official shim repo for Highcharts releases

benchmark.js * JavaScript 0

A benchmarking library. As used on jsPerf.com.

locales * JavaScript 0

koa locales, i18n solution for koa

leaflet-providers * JavaScript 0

An extension to Leaflet that contains configurations for various free tile providers.

es6tutorial * JavaScript 0

《ECMAScript 6入门》是一本开源的JavaScript语言教程,全面介绍ECMAScript 6新增的语法特性。

Leaflet.fullscreen * JavaScript 0

A fullscreen control for Leaflet

Leaflet.markercluster * JavaScript 0

Marker Clustering plugin for Leaflet

Leaflet * JavaScript 0

JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps

bootstrap * JavaScript 0

Shim repository for Twitter Bootstrap.

spm-build-calendar JavaScript 0

spm build bug on arale calendar.

spm-server * JavaScript 0

Server for debug with spm packages.

js-deflate * JavaScript 0

RFC 1951 raw deflate/inflate for JavaScript

funnel-chart CSS 0

Funnel Charts via HTML and CSS3.

markrome 0

Markdown in Chrome

node-pinyin 0

汉语拼音转换工具 Node 版。

seajs * JavaScript 0

A Module Loader for the Web

spm * JavaScript 0

Brand new static package manager.

socket.io-client * 0

Realtime application framework (client)

flower-fairyland * 0

one kind of flower per week

ready JavaScript 0

DOM Ready for Anywhere.

dc-maps * 0

Maps of Washington DC area public geodata

cdn * 0

Upload your files to upyun cdn

log4javascript2 * 0

Logging library for JavaScript, with an API based on log4j.

nunjucks * 0

A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired)

spmjs.io * 0

The distributed packaging server for spm@3.x

seatools * 0

Seajs helper that can build, debug and test

console-shim * 0

Browser console compatibility shim for legacy JavaScript engines

seajs-wrap * 0

A Sea.js plugin for loading CommonJS modules directly

log4javascript * 0


slide.hotoo.me 0

Slides by @hotoo

wau * CoffeeScript 0

Watch and upload.

browser-logos * Shell 0

Collection of high resolution web browser logos with transparent backgrounds

vimwiki * VimL 0

Personal Wiki for Vim

nico-cmd * CSS 0

nico theme of CMD module in spmjs.org

base-ui * CSS 0

handyjs ui

grunt-cn * CSS 0


pen * JavaScript 0

enjoy live editing (+markdown)

fairydust * 0


webgrep.crx 0

global search regular expression(RE) and print out the line for web page.

12306_ticket_helper * JavaScript 0


velocity.js * JavaScript 0

velocity for js

checkurl * JavaScript 0

A tiny url status check tool

simplebig * JavaScript 0


vim-markdown * VimL 0

Markdown Vim Mode

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
Vim Script 3 95.45% 351
Makefile 24 99.64% 103
JavaScript 50 99.96% 8647
TypeScript 619 97.02% 32
Shell 726 98.05% 27
更新于2024-02-17 18:47:59