
Alibaba Inc.
Guangzhou, China

MessageDisplayKit Objective-C 4295

An IM App like WeChat App has to send text, pictures, audio, video, location messaging, managing local address book, share a circle of friends, drifting friends, shake a fun and more interesting features.

PopMenu Objective-C 901

PopMenu is pop animation menu inspired by Sina weibo / NetEase app.

XHRefreshControl Objective-C 748

XHRefreshControl 是一款高扩展性、低耦合度的下拉刷新、上提加载更多的组件。

PinterestAnimator Objective-C 658

PinterestAnimator like Pinterest 3.0++ App transition animation.

iOS8SelfSizingCells Objective-C 360

This is instagram app feed tableView demo use iOS8 Self Sizing Cells.

XHTwitterPaggingViewer Objective-C 226

A twitter like navigation bar, page viewer.

XHRealTimeBlur Objective-C 200

RealTimeBlur applies to the view, transitions, background.

TagView Objective-C 196

High efficiency Tag components.

XHAmazingLoading Objective-C 178

XHAmazingLoading indicators or load view based on CAReplicatorLayer class and CoreAnimation, like skype / music.

PlayerKit Objective-C 146

High efficiency Audio/Video Player,Support MP4、MOV、M3U8、3GP,Custom UI for AVPlayer.

XHXcodePlugin 86


XHNewsParsingSwift Swift 78

XHNewsParsing is sina news client, use swift.

AssistYou 22

At first glance you would think are not used, but it can protect you

XHMultipleStyleCheckBoxKit Objective-C 18

MultipleStyleCheckBoxKit have multiple style check box, due with multiple line text, network photo, local photo, useful on news vote. 拥有对多种媒体类型进行勾选,比如本地图片、网络图片、本地文本,多用于新闻投票或者答题App里面。

XHPrepare 11

Prepare 是记录一些总结,比如在换新电脑的时候,配置锋利的开发环境、配置命令行友好环境、一些关于自己的经验等等。

XHAppStoreApp Objective-C 10

Inspired by the Apple AppStore apps, XHAppStoreApp provide modular UI

jobs 6


SCAudioVideoRecorder * Objective-C 5

An easy Vine like video and/or audio recorder class and a camera engine in Objective-C.

XHLearnEnglish C 3

To learn English at ordinary times

Yasuko * CSS 1

A Ghost theme

DWZShareKit * Objective-C 1

just together sina ,qq,wechat ,social sdk

EKAlgorithms * Objective-C 1

EKAlgorithms contains some well known CS algorithms and other stuff.

ShareDocumentImage PHP 0


iCarousel * Objective-C 0

A simple, highly customisable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS

SVProgressHUD * Objective-C 0

A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.

ClangFormat-Xcode * Objective-C 0

Xcode plug-in to to use clang-format from in Xcode and consistently format your code with Clang

ios-style * 0

Guidelines for iOS development in use at Spotify

SPTDataLoader * Objective-C 0

The HTTP library used by the Spotify iOS client

alcatraz-packages * Ruby 0

Package list repository for Alcatraz

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
Objective-C 15 99.94% 7943
Swift 414 97.02% 78
CSS 4846 82.32% 1
C 5210 88.34% 3
更新于2021-09-16 15:37:20