

AndroidNetworkDemo Java 140

A demo show how to use Volley with OkHttp and https.

CircularProgress Java 84

A android lollipop style Circular Progress View with sweeping angle for android

pgyer Groovy 78

gradle plugin for pugongying upload

AndroidSigning Groovy 63

Config keyStore and key in a xml and sign your apk easily.

gradle-android-maven-publish Groovy 8

Upload android apk.

dotvim VimL 4


git-repo Python 3

forked from https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo

AndroidViewPagerIndicator * Java 3

Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock. Originally based on Patrik Åkerfeldt's ViewFlow.

ApkPatcher C 2

Android apk apk pather using for delta upgrade

stm32_Demo_CAMERA C 2

MPAndroidChart * Java 2

A simple Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- and piecharts as well as scaling and dragging.

gitlab-go-docker-demo Go 1

Argon Java 1

markdown-android Java 1

dodocat 1


cert-manager-webhook-alidns * Go 0

A cert-manager sample repository for creating an ACME DNS01 solver webhook

kubee Go 0

dodocat.github.io CSS 0

Dodocat's blog

cert-manager-webhook-alicloud 0

python-opencv-debian 0

opencv with tess 4 on debian docker

envconfig * Go 0

Golang library for managing configuration data from environment variables

aliyun-docker-client Go 0

restcountries * Java 0

Get information about countries via a RESTful API

node-cnpm 0

vlc-android-macbuild * Java 0

Deprecated, official site is recommended http://git.videolan.org

kafka-monitor * Java 0

Monitor the availability of Kakfa clusters with generated messages.

ffmpeg * Python 0

Docker build for ffmpeg on Ubuntu / Alpine / Centos 7

360-video-player-for-android * Java 0

Sample code for creating a 360 video player on Android. Creates an OpenGL ES scene that renders a sphere textured with video frames from MediaPlayer playback. Does not use the NDK. This is a simple example of the core elements of 360 video rendering and is not intended to be production quality code. The code may be unstable. This is won't be maintained.

gitlab-plugin * Java 0

A Jenkins plugin for interfacing with GitLab

Depth-LIB-Android- * Java 0

A library gives depth to Views. It also contains some examples of Canvas drawing techniques to create particle systems, waves and grain effect. I was not really happy with the default shadows in android beacuse they start misbehaving when they are rotated som I made my own shadow solution. Don't expect to much from this lib, it was written as a quick prototype, so the visuals look good but the code behind it could have been better structured. I haven't tested the code in over a year since I have not been working with Android development for the last year.

android-source 0

gold-miner * 0


StreamRecyclerView Java 0

CrashReport * Java 0

Crash report for android apps

SymtabFileUploader * Java 0

plugin for uploading the symbol table file

v2ray-android 0

dachuwang * PHP 0


fqrouter * Java 0

anti-GFW router

RxAndroidCat Java 0

A sample project for rx in android practice.

NewEBuy * 0

New Edition And New Design

baby_Android * Java 0


doc * JavaScript 0


shadowsocks * 0

awt-android-compat Java 0

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/awt-android-compat

Quality-Tools-for-Android * Java 0

sonar-java * Java 0

road-trip * Java 0

A sample Android application that demonstrates how to implement various visual effects.

zbb-parser 0

json2view * Java 0

Update native Android UI on the fly

gitlab-android Java 0

shadowsocks-android * C 0

A Shadowsocks client for Android

ExoPlayer * Java 0

An extensible media player for Android

vlc C 0

AndroidTreeListView Java 0

gitlaba * Java 0

Gitlab for Android

markdown4j 0

java-gitlab-api * 0

A wrapper for the Gitlab API written in Java

AndroidSlidingUpPanel * 0

Android Sliding Up Panel Demo

sdkexamples-android * Java 0

环信 SDK for Android

upload 0

upload files

passwordbuilder Java 0

magic Shell 0

Pedometer * Java 0

Lightweight pedometer app for Android using the hardware step sensor

countries * PHP 0

World countries in JSON, CSV and XML. Any help is welcome!

android-open-project * 0

collect and classify android open projects

Cards-UI * Java 0

A library that allows you to easily mimic Google Play's card layout on Android.

mochi * CSS 0

Mochi interface library

indicator-douban-radio Python 0

android-maps-utils * Java 0

Handy extensions to the Google Maps Android API.

progressbutton * Java 0

A custom progress indicator with a tiny footprint.

note 0

Dribbo * Java 0


indicator-ssht Python 0

A indicator app for ssh tunnel on ubuntu

google-java-style-cn 0

bike Shell 0

dirty Java 0

nebular C 0

Tracker * Java 0

在 Android 手机中记录 GPS 轨迹并显示、统计、和输出

android-HoloCircularProgressBar * Java 0

Holo Circular ProgressBar

emacs.d Emacs Lisp 0


schools_scrawl Python 0

scrawl school info from several sites

Shine-MP3-Encoder-on-AS3-Alchemy * C 0

Flash/Alchemy port of the lightweight Shine MP3 Encoder

AChartEngine * Java 0

Git mirror of AChartEngine (SVN)

Android-PullToRefresh * Java 0


gitignore * 0

A collection of useful .gitignore templates

Octopress-Theme-Slash * JavaScript 0

Slash — a minimal theme for Octopress

libpng-android * C 0

libpng for Android NDK

weiciyuan * Java 0

Sina Weibo Android Client

AudioEbook * Java 0


octopress * Ruby 0

Octopress is an obsessively designed framework for Jekyll blogging. It’s easy to configure and easy to deploy. Sweet huh?

init.emacs * Emacs Lisp 0

emacs init files

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
Groovy 18 99.34% 149
VimL 159 96.65% 4
Java 1613 98.22% 231
C 4516 90.33% 4
Python 13276 82.94% 3
更新于2021-09-10 00:21:54