YS Liu

Box World

asl-steps XSLT 7

ASL(Ant Script Library),基于Ant的扩展框架。

opsbox Dockerfile 4

DevOps toolset & appset

prometheus-ecs-sd Go 3

knative-demo Shell 3


toolset Dockerfile 2

jenkins Shell 2

Jenkins package for Opsbox Dev

cluster-secret Go 2

mindoc * Go 1


asl-extra Java 1


asl-jenkins Groovy 1


oes-in-luci C 1

asl-pipeline-library Groovy 1

apl - 一个使用Jenkins Share Library包装ASL的库

checksumer Go 1

Kustomize transformer plugin that adds Kubernetes annotation keys whose values are the checksum of kubernetes object

awesome-helm * 1

Collaborative list of awesome helm charts and resources. PRs are welcome!

mvnrepository 1

my maven repo.

Kubernetes-practical-exercises-Hands-on * 0

A repo to help you learn Kubernetes from the ground up by doing practical exercises and teach you how to use Kubernetes to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications.

docker-gen * 0

Generate files from docker container meta-data

optipng-bin * 0

optipng bin-wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency

gin-template * 0

用于 Gin & React 项目的模板. Template for Gin & React projects.

warp-menu * 0

Warp menu

ChatGPT-Next-Web * 0

A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。

local-path-provisioner * 0

Dynamically provisioning persistent local storage with Kubernetes

palworld-server-docker * 0

A Docker Container to easily run a Palworld dedicated server.

kind Shell 0

onedev * 0

Self-hosted Git Server with CI/CD and Kanban

everyone-can-use-english * 0


tldraw * 0

Infinite canvas SDK.

Notedown * 0

Embed computation and tldraw canvas in your markdown

openvpn-ui * 0

Web User Interface for OpenVPN

openvpn-server * 0

Fast Docker container with OpenVPN Server living inside.

flare * Go 0

🏂 Challenge all bookmarking apps and websites directories, Aim to Be a best performance monster.

dockge * TypeScript 0

A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager

atomci * 0

🐳 为中国企业而来,以应用为中心的云原生cicd平台

oes-pipeline-plugin * 0

A plugin that extends Jenkins' build capabilities using Apache Ant.

opsmetrics Shell 0

DevOps observability tools

plugin-oauth2 * 0

Halo 2.0 的 OAuth2 第三方登录插件。

jenkins-library * Groovy 0

midextra Shell 0

keycloak-plugin * 0

Keycloak Authentication Plugin

rke2up Shell 0

scratch Dockerfile 0

strut * 0

Strut - An Impress.js and Bespoke.js Presentation Editor

test Go 0


dapper * Go 0

Docker build wrapper

Yearning * Go 0

🐳 A most popular sql audit platform for mysql

dbextra Dockerfile 0

api-testing * Go 0

YAML based API testing tool

pgloader * 0

Migrate to PostgreSQL in a single command!

ecosystem * Shell 0

Cloudogu Ecosystem is an open platform, which lets you choose how and where your team creates great software. Each service or tool is delivered as a Dōgu, a Docker container, that can be easily integrated in your environment just by pulling it from our registry.

registry-creds * Go 0

Automate Kubernetes registry credentials, to extend Docker Hub limits

image-syncer * Go 0

Docker image synchronization tool for Docker Registry V2 based services

mte-demo * 0

Demo page of markdown-table-editor

codimd * JavaScript 0

CodiMD - Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.

awesome-home-kubernetes * 0

Awesome projects involving running Kubernetes at home

cyclonedx-maven-plugin * Java 0

Creates CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from Maven projects

open-podcasts * 0

This is a cloud-native Open Podcasts 开源播客平台

devpod * Go 0

Spin up dev environments in any infra. Dev-environments-as-code like Terraform but for dev environments. Like Codespaces but open-source, client-only and unopinionated: Works with any IDE and lets you use any cloud, kubernetes or just on localhost docker.

feature-images Shell 0

A set of image building tools inspired by devcontainer.

LangChain-Chinese-Getting-Started-Guide * 0

LangChain 的中文入门教程

yml-install-files * Shell 0

A flexible YAML-based method of downloading multi-arch utilities with checksum validation. Intended for Docker.

codespace-docker-template Dockerfile 0

nixy * Go 0

nixy - nginx auto configuration and service discovery for Mesos/Marathon

kube-gen * Go 0

Generate files from Kubernetes events

imgpkg * Go 0

Store application configuration files in Docker/OCI registries

zadig * Go 0

Zadig is a cloud native, distributed, developer-oriented continuous delivery product.

logseq * Clojure 0

A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Download link: http://github.com/logseq/logseq/releases. roadmap: http://trello.com/b/8txSM12G/roadmap

nginx-php-fpm Dockerfile 0

chatgpt-helper 0

dev-env-debian * 0

Debian Bookworm-12 with Desktop Dev Container with Qt6/Boost-1.81 using GithubActions and GithubPages

luci-app-frpc Lua 0

ldapcherry * 0

Web UI for managing users and groups in multiple directory services.

openvpn-install * Shell 0

OpenVPN road warrior installer for Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS and Fedora

doraemon * JavaScript 0

gohangout * Go 0

golang版本的hangout, 希望能省些内存. 使用了自己写的Kafka lib .. 虚. 不过我们在生产环境已经使用近1年, kafka 版本从0.9.0.1到2.0都在使用, 目前情况稳定. 吞吐量在每天2000亿条以上.

kvass * Go 0

Kvass provides a method of Prometheus sharding, which uses config file injection to proxy Prometheus scraping to the shard sidecar, and the shard sidecar decides whether to scrape target。

Web * 0


devtron * Go 0

Software Delivery Workflow For Kubernetes

luci-in-docker * 0

LuCI running in docker, use for manager config files for other containers.

aliyun-cr-parameter-plugin Java 0

Jenkins: Aliyun CR(容器镜像)参数插件

godemo Go 0

jenkins-job-builder Jinja 0

devops-practice-guide * 0

DevOps Practice Guide

mani * Go 0

CLI tool to help you manage multiple repositories

LingL * 0

clone of lingq to learn new language

lark-alertmanager-webhook * 0

lark webhook for alertmanager

wercker * Go 0

The Wercker CLI can be used to execute pipelines locally for both local development and easy introspection.

Mindhunter86 * 0

Mindhunter86's profile page

Ansible-roles * HTML 0

Ansible Roles

dockerbunker * Shell 0

a tool that helps configure, deploy and manage dockerized web-applications or static sites behind an nginx reverse proxy container

Blog * 0


golang-developer-roadmap * 0

Roadmap to becoming a Go developer in 2019

vimagick-dockerfiles * Dockerfile 0

:whale: A collection of delicious docker recipes 🇺🇦

hostpath-provisioner Go 0


gitlab-branch-source-plugin * Java 0

A Jenkins Plugin for GitLab Multibranch Pipeline jobs and Folder Organization

nginx-quick-reference * Shell 0

:zap: This notes describes how to improve Nginx performance, security and other important things; ssllabs A+ 100%.

shell-operator * Go 0

Shell-operator is a tool for running event-driven scripts in a Kubernetes cluster

repository-permissions-updater * 0

Artifactory permissions synchronization tool and data set

seanly 0

seanly.me site

keycloak-protocol-cas * 0

CAS protocol provider for Keycloak

cloudogu-jenkinsfiles * 0

Examples for jenkins pipelines, comparing scripted and declarative syntax

kubecm * 0

Easier management of kubeconfig.

go-skel * 0

Skeleton for Rancher Go Microservices

image-tag-parameter-plugin * 0

account-app * 0

Jenkins Account Management/Sign-up App

ces-build-lib * 0

Jenkins pipeline shared library adding features for Maven, Gradle, Docker, SonarQube, Git and others

gitops-build-lib * 0

Jenkins pipeline shared library for automating deployments via GitOps

AutoBuild-OpenWrt * Shell 0

Build OpenWrt using GitHub Actions | 使用 GitHub Actions 编译 OpenWrt | 感谢P3TERX的项目源码|感谢KFERMercer的项目源码

hd-home * Dockerfile 0

The home of GitHub release assets

dotfiles Shell 0

my configure files.

http-downloader * 0

This is a CLI and Go library for HTTP downloader. It is baked for downloading release assets from GitHub

wireguard-install * Shell 0

WireGuard road warrior installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS and Fedora

k3s-ansible * Jinja 0

ldap * 0

Basic LDAP v3 functionality for the GO programming language.

jmx_exporter * 0

A process for exposing JMX Beans via HTTP for Prometheus consumption

kube-ovn * 0

A Kubernetes Network Fabric for Enterprises that is Rich in Functions and Easy in Operations

ant * 0

Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool.

kubevela * 0

A Modern Application Deployment System Based on Kubernetes and OAM.

jenkins-build-monitor-plugin * 0

Jenkins CI Build Monitor Plugin

design-pattern-in-go * 0

Design patterns are typical solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design.

librecores-ci-jenkins-server * 0

LibreCores Continuous Integration

Machine-learning-learning-notes * 0


awesome-operators * 0

A resource tracking a number of Operators out in the wild.

asynq * 0

Asynq: simple, reliable, and efficient distributed task queue in Go

prom-metric-viewer * 0

Browse Prometheus metrics of apps and exporters more quickly.

knctl * 0

Knative CLI

PushProx * 0

Proxy to allow Prometheus to scrape through NAT etc.

k8ops-dashboard-view Java 0

Jenkins: dashboard-view扩展Portlet功能

my-bloody-jenkins * 0

Self Configured Jenkins Docker image based on Jenkins-LTS

runit-rpm * 0

RPM spec for runit (http://smarden.org/runit/)

jsonnet-style-guide * 0

Databricks Jsonnet Coding Style Guide

starpg * 0

A web-based starlark playground

POET-pipeline-library * 0

POET pipeline framework automation code.

guide * 0

The Uber Go Style Guide.

blackbox_exporter * 0

Blackbox prober exporter

list-git-branches-parameter-plugin * Java 0

jenkins plugin for list git branches

mcdwj-infra * 0

Infra as code for Mastering Continuous Delivery with Jenkins course

libtools * 0

Vue * JavaScript 0


git-tips * 0


rpm-s3 * Python 0

Maintain YUM repositories of RPM packages on S3, intelligently.

flux * Go 0

A tool for deploying container images to Kubernetes services

userscripts JavaScript 0

react-typescript-cheatsheet * 0

a cheatsheet for react users using typescript with react for the first (or nth!) time

artifact-manager-s3-plugin * Java 0

Artifact manager implementation for Amazon S3

CS-Notes * 0

😋 技术面试必备基础知识

footloose * Go 0

Container Machines - Containers that look like Virtual Machines

gitea-branch-source-plugin * 0

Provides Jenkins SCMSource and Jenkins SCMNavigator for Gitea

ansible-tuto * Shell 0

Ansible tutorial

awesome * 0

:sunglasses: Curated list of awesome lists

awesome-go * Go 0

A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software

awesome-vue * 0

🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js

architect-awesome * 0


awesome-python * Python 0

A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources

docker-logrotate * Shell 0

Logrotation for docker containers

helm-charts * Smarty 0

A barebone Helm Chart repository

cheatsheets * CSS 0

My cheatsheets

jenkins-boot * JavaScript 0

start jenkins-master with default user and plugins

alertlib * Python 0

A small library to make it easy to send alerts to various platforms

architecture.of.internet-product * 0


golang-open-source-projects * 0


nexus_uploader * Python 0

Python tools to help with the development & deployment of company-private Python packages

kubernetic-charts * 0

Kubernetic Charts

angular-dashboard-framework * JavaScript 0

Dashboard framework with Angular.js and Twitter Bootstrap

logtrail * JavaScript 0

Kibana plugin to view, search & live tail log events

vagrant.yml 0

use yaml define machine config.

SpringBlog * Java 0

A simple blogging system implemented with Spring Boot + Hibernate + MySQL + Bootstrap4.

kubernetes-plugin * Java 0

Jenkins plugin to run dynamic slaves in a Kubernetes/Docker environment

goline * Go 0

CI/CD Pipeline for Jenkins 2.0 in Go.

kibana-own-home * JavaScript 0

Multi-tenancy for Kibana

rqlite * Go 0

The lightweight, distributed relational database built on SQLite.

jenkins_boot Smarty 0

confd * Go 0

Manage local application configuration files using templates and data from etcd or consul

GolangTraining * Go 0

Training for Golang (go language)

fabric8-pipeline-library * Groovy 0

Fabric8 Pipeline for Jenkins

build.sh * JavaScript 0

🔨 run and visualize the build process

packer-provider * Go 0

ant-contrib * Java 0

A fork of ant-contrib project at SourceForge

java-design-patterns * Java 0

Design patterns implemented in Java

cas * Java 0

CAS Server

ansible-best-practises * Shell 0

A project structure that outlines some best practises of how to use ansible

packer-centos-template * Shell 0

Packer template from CentOS

packer-ubuntu_lts * Shell 0

Packer configuration for building Ubuntu LTS VirtualBox images - with Docker enabled :whale:

perf-tools * Shell 0

Performance analysis tools based on Linux perf_events (aka perf) and ftrace

Python-Design-Patterns * Python 0

Python Design Patterns

mongodb-cluster-backup * Python 0

Script for backing up mongodb clusters

free-programming-books * 0

:books: Freely available programming books

es6tutorial * JavaScript 0

《ECMAScript 6入门》是一本开源的JavaScript语言教程,全面介绍ECMAScript 6新增的语法特性。

java-testing-with-spock * Groovy 0

Code samples from the book "Java testing with Spock"

gradle-deply-plugin Groovy 0

gradle-learning * Java 0

repo for my gradle blog series

Spring-Boot-Reference-Guide * 0

Spring Boot Reference Guide中文翻译 -《Spring Boot参考指南》

packer-ubuntu-1404 * Shell 0

Packer Example - Ubuntu 14.04 minimal Vagrant Box using Ansible provisioner

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
XSLT 19 98.14% 7
Groovy 189 91.01% 2
Dockerfile 216 95.94% 6
Shell 2042 93.98% 5
Go 2408 93.36% 7
更新于2024-02-17 19:23:14