
Beijing, China

tao-of-rust-codes Rust 963


inviting-rust Rust 121


the-tao-of-rust-programming-v2 JavaScript 108

Rust 编程之道【新版/第二版】

actix-workshop-rustconasia2019 Rust 68

RustConAsia 2019大会workshop

star-rust 52

Inventory of the world’s outstanding Rust open source projects, which are different from awesome-rust.

rust-prometheus-workshop * Rust 21

Rust-prometheus workshop for RustCon Asia 2019

proc_codegen Rust 19


rails_markitup JavaScript 19

A MarkDown TextEditor with jQuery and Markitup! and redcarpet

hp-tidb-course Shell 18

High Performance TiDB 课程学习记录

2021soaring Rust 15

2021 牛气冲天

real-world-rust-design-pattern 13

Real World Rust Design Pattern

mongoid_counter_cache Ruby 11

Mongoid Counter Cache

raspberrypi-os-tutorials-notes 10

学习笔记 | 用 树莓派4 写操作系统

goliath-api-template Ruby 9

使用Goliath实现高性能微服务API 完整模板(仅供参考)

shell_explain Ruby 8

wrapped up input from terminal

tao-of-rust-fix 7


attractive_ruby Ruby 6

Attractive Ruby(诱人的Ruby) - Ruby学习视频课程示例代码

rocket-api-template Rust 4


maru-api-template Elixir 4


rhosync Ruby 3

jquery-mvc * 3

A simple model controller for jQuery. (ie. client side MVC) (originally by Mark Gibson)

acts_as_local JavaScript 3

fork it from Google code

huffman-rs Rust 3

Huffman with Rust

rails_qaptcha JavaScript 3

jQuery slide captcha system with jQuery & jQuery UI for Rails 3

ruby_extend Ruby 3

Some Ruby Methods Extendsions, like Hash#hash_reverse,etc ... HTML 2

My Github Page

tm_syntax_highlighting Ruby 2

A Rails plugin that provides helpers to highlight code with pretty TextMate-style highlighting.

blogcast * JavaScript 2

Blogcast is a better way to blog.

rboard * Ruby 2

A fully featured forum system compatible with Rails 2.3

jamal * JavaScript 2

Javascript MVC Library based on jQuery

jamal_rails_plugin * 2

Jamal plugin for rails

activejs * JavaScript 2

ruby-off-rails * Ruby 2

some showcase of rack,sinatra, and sinatra running in rails2.3 with metal

livequery * JavaScript 2

Live Query utilizes the power of jQuery selectors by binding events or firing callbacks for matched elements auto-magically, even after the page has been loaded and the DOM updated.

satellite * JavaScript 2

A distributed, git-powered wiki with file uploads and other goodies.

montisvir JavaScript 2

fao JavaScript 2

from svn

onebody * JavaScript 2

connect your community on the web

tracks * Ruby 2

Tracks is a GTD(TM) web application, built with Ruby on Rails

ansuz * JavaScript 2

Open source Rails-based content management that works.

saasy * Ruby 2

Rails SaaS and SSO solution

gear * JavaScript 2

A collaborative equipment checkout and management system written in Ruby on Rails

google-gears-mechanizations * JavaScript 2

This JavaScript project provides an ActiveRecord-esque API for the Google Gears SQLite database.

giki * JavaScript 2

Giki (pronounced "geeky") is a wiki built on Git (and Rails)

blog Ruby 2

simple RESTful rails blog using common plugins, heavily tested with RSpec

aintablog * Ruby 2

Open source tumblog/aggregator.

vertebra * Shell 2

Top-level repository with the entire vertebra distribution

rhodes * C 2

The Rhodes framework is a platform for building locally executing, device-optimized mobile applications for all major smartphone devices.

tiny_mce_plus * JavaScript 2

TinyMCE editor with image upload.

rich-text-area * ActionScript 2

A refactor of Flex's Rich Text Editor

xss_terminate * Ruby 2

xss_terminate is a plugin in that makes stripping and sanitizing HTML stupid-simple. Install and forget. And forget about forgetting to h() your output, because you won‘t need to anymore.

tpw * 2

jekyll * Ruby 2

Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby

mars Ruby 2


restful_acl * Ruby 2

A Ruby on Rails plugin that provides fine grained access control to RESTful resources in a Ruby on Rails 2.0+ project.

el-dorado * Ruby 2

El Dorado is a full-stack community web application written in Ruby/Rails.

role_requirement * Ruby 2

Simple role based security for restful_authentication

rails_i18n_demo_app * Ruby 2

Demo for Rails 2.2 internationalization & localization features

bort * Ruby 2

A base rails app featuring: RESTful Authentication, Will Paginate, Rspec & Rspec-rails, Exception Notifier, Asset Packager, Cap Recipe (multi-stage). Put together by Fudge to remove the need for boring project setup.

cucumber * Ruby 2

A reimplementation of RSpec's story framework, based on Treetop.

restful_authentication_tutorial * Ruby 2

Full featured restful authentication starter app from combining role requirement, open id authentication, recaptcha, ui, debugging, and security plugins.

mazes_for_programmers HTML 2

mazes for programers翻译日常以及出版后的勘误

immortal_faction Ruby 2

Goliath + Redis API demo

mongoid-sphinx * Ruby 2

A full text indexing extension for MongoDB using Sphinx and Mongoid

rails_highcharts Ruby 2

Highcharts for Rails 3

eco_apps * Ruby 2

Eco Apps enables you to develop an eco-system of Rails applications that function as a single system.

ruby_koans * Ruby 1

A set of Koans to teach the Ruby language

rust-learning * 1

A bunch of links to blog posts, articles, videos, etc for learning Rust

simple_form * Ruby 1

Forms made easy for Rails! It's tied to a simple DSL, with no opinion on markup.

tikv * Rust 1

Distributed transactional key-value database, originally created to complement TiDB

awesome-mac * 1

 This repo is a collection of awesome Mac applications and tools for developers and designers.

grape_api_template Ruby 1

Grape + Rack docker化API微服务模板

kaminari * Ruby 1

A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Rails 3

weibo * Ruby 1

a gem to help api integration for 新浪微博 (

omniauth * Ruby 1

OmniAuth is a flexible authentication system utilizing Rack middleware.

customers_management JavaScript 1

offline app for customers_management

cloud9 * JavaScript 1

Cloud9 IDE - by javascripter for javascripters - Powered by

metasploit-framework * Ruby 1

Metasploit Framework

Recipes Ruby 1

Just Test App

metaprogramming-ruby 1

translate metaprogramming ruby

log_fu Ruby 1

Simple website hits log with MongoDB

homebrew * Ruby 1

The missing package manager for OS X.

redis_master_slave * Ruby 1

Redis master-slave client.

communityengine * Ruby 1

Adds basic social networking capabilities to your existing application, including users, blogs, photos, clippings, favorites, and more.

cache_fu * Ruby 1

Version for rails 3

calendar_date_select * JavaScript 1

A popular and flexible JavaScript DatePicker for RubyOnRails (and others) with additional JQuery support

activerecord-activesalesforce-adapter * Ruby 1

An ActiveRecord adapter for the API

use_db * Ruby 1

will be support Rails3

simpler * Ruby 1

simpler ("Simple R") is a lightweight wrapper of R (really Rscript) inspired by the gnuplot and rsruby gems.

rsruby * Ruby 1

Ruby - R bridge.

camping * Ruby 1

the 4k pocket full-of-gags web microframework

miyazakiresistance * Ruby 1

MiyazakiResistance is a library like ActiveRecord to use Tokyo Tyrant.

rack-pygments * Ruby 1

A Rack Middleware for Pygments, the syntax highlighter!

rack-jekyll * Ruby 1

Transform your Jekyll app into Rack application!

gutter * Ruby 1

just a hack, gutter is a free twitter client written in ruby for shoes. or shoes for ruby

WasmEdge * C++ 0

WasmEdge is a lightweight, high-performance, and extensible WebAssembly runtime for cloud native, edge, and decentralized applications. It powers serverless apps, embedded functions, microservices, smart contracts, and IoT devices.

poem-1 * 0

A full-featured and easy-to-use web framework with the Rust programming language.

failure * Rust 0

Error management

editor * JavaScript 0

Editor for writing books using GitBook (for Windows, Mac and Linux)

tokio-internals * 0

Internal details of Tokio from code to designs

suricata * 0

Suricata git repository maintained by the OISF

cortex-m-rtic * 0

Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency (RTIC) framework for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers

rust-raspberrypi-OS-tutorials * 0

:books: Learn to write an embedded OS in Rust :crab:

rCore-Tutorial-v3 * Rust 0

rCore-Tutorial version 3.5

macos-terminal-themes * 0

Color schemes for default macOS

rust_daily_news_old 0

Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books * 0

Anime Girls Holding Programming Books

rosrust * Rust 0

Pure Rust implementation of a ROS client library

blockchain * 0

rCore * 0

Rust version of THU uCore OS. Linux compatible.

actix-mqtt * 0

MQTT v3.1.1 Server framework

translate * 0

译言 - 一些平时翻译的草稿或成文

argh * 0

Rust derive-based argument parsing optimized for code size

actix-web * 0

Actix web is a small, pragmatic, and extremely fast rust web framework.

actix-net * 0

framework for composable networking services

actix * 0

Actor framework for Rust

edition-guide * Shell 0

A guide to changes between various editions of Rust * FreeMarker 0

The home of the Rust website

hyper * Rust 0

An HTTP library for Rust

serde * Rust 0

Serialization framework for Rust

test_ice Rust 0

reproduce ice: [issues-55723](

sys-proctable * Ruby 0

A cross-platform Ruby interface for gathering process information on your operating system

tao-of-rust 0


maplit * Rust 0

Rust container / collection literal macros for HashMap, HashSet, BTreeMap, BTreeSet. * HTML 0

personal blog

forustm * Rust 0

A forum for rust community, using Rust, and Sapper.

rust * Rust 0

A safe, concurrent, practical language.

book * Rust 0

The Rust Programming Language

ruby-airbnb * 0

Airbnb 的 Ruby 风格指南 (中译版) | Chinese version: Airbnb Ruby Style Guide |

ruby * Ruby 0

The Ruby Programming Language

cgc_demo Ruby 0

cgc demo code

grit * Ruby 0

**Grit is no longer maintained. Check out libgit2/rugged.** Grit gives you object oriented read/write access to Git repositories via Ruby.

react-rails * JavaScript 0

Ruby gem for automatically transforming JSX and using React in Rails.

the_tao_of_ruby 0

The Tao of Ruby * HTML 0

yugioh * Elixir 0

android-jobs * 0


find-any-email * Ruby 0

Ruby script to find anyone's email from their name and possible domain

tutum-docker-mysql * Shell 0

Docker image to run an out-of-the-box MySQL server

Front-End-Standards * JavaScript 0


html5timetracker * CSS 0

A simple Time Tracker for the browser, using localStorage

practicing-ruby-manuscripts * Ruby 0

Collection of source manuscripts for publicly released Practicing Ruby articles * Ruby 0

Ruby Hacking Guide Translation

quarto * Ruby 0

goods * Ruby 0 * CSS 0

Gather, curate, and feature stories of public servants and civic hackers using GitHub as part of their open government innovations

popline * CSS 0

Popline is an HTML5 Rich-Text-Editor Toolbar

burr * Ruby 0

电子书制作工具(PDF, ePub, Mobi, HTML)

rubyquiz-mirror * 0

looks like is down. this is a static mirrored copy of that website.

sandbox * Ruby 0

freaky-freaky security and multiplicity of ruby interps

facets * Ruby 0

Ruby Facets

tomdoc * 0

A flexible code documentation specification with human readers in mind.

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
Rust 7 99.88% 1215
Elixir 52 90.44% 4
Ruby 97 99.44% 104
Shell 879 97.63% 20
JavaScript 1929 98.26% 162
更新于2021-09-23 03:01:42