
Beijing, China

swapview-rosetta C++ 473

Print swap usage per process. Implemented in various programming languages

morerssplz Python 332

Convert other article sources to RSS feeds

colorizer Vim script 311

A Vim plugin to colorize all text in the form #rrggbb or #rgb.

nvchecker Python 295

New version checker for software releases

dotvim Vim script 256

My vim config

winterpy Python 207

My python scripts started in winter.

fcitx.vim Vim script 160

keep and restore fcitx state when leaving/re-entering insert mode

pssh Python 155

Parallel SSH Tools

myawesomerc Lua 84

My Awesome WM config files

dotzsh Shell 51

My zsh config

xmpptalk Python 47

An XMPP bot to make a chatroom

search-and-view Python 40

Tools to make searching and viewing easy.

capture-dns Rust 30

A simple program to capture and show DNS queries

wait-online Python 30

Wait until we're connected to the Internet

dnssnoop Python 29

show which process did what DNS queries

stdoutisatty C 23

Make programs think their stdout is a tty / terminal.

gaetalk Python 23

A chatroom application run on Google App Engine

remotebrowser Rust 22

open URLs from Windows virtual machines in the host system

openredir C 20

redirect file open operations via LD_PRELOAD

abp-rules 18

My list of Adblock Plus rules, mainly for China websites

ncdu-diff C 17

ncdu fork that can compare and diff results

2bbcode Lua 17

A set of custom Pandoc writers for converting to BBCode.

archrepo2 Python 15

Arch Linux repository manager

gm-github-tweaks CSS 15

Tweak GitHub to make it great again.

chinese-programmers-correct-pronunciations-handbook * 14


ircbindxmpp Python 14

IRC <-> XMPP bidirectional connection

userscripts JavaScript 13

My user scripts

udt_py C++ 13

Python UDT

copy-link-address JavaScript 12

Firefox addon to Copy Link Address with accesskey "a"

chinese-num Rust 12

A Rust librrary to convert a decimal number to its Chinese form

tornadochat Python 12

A web chatroom using tornado

telegram-cache-decryption Python 10

Decrypt the media cache of Telegram Desktop

walkdir-test Makefile 10

a simple and naïve test to see which implementations of directory traversing is faster

spamfightbot Python 9

Another Telegram anti-spam bot without disturbance.

compare-env Rust 8

Compare the given environment variable value across all the processes

swapview Rust 8

A simple program to view processes' swap usage on Linux.

bookmarked-search JavaScript 8

Firefox addon to search the selected text using a search engine from your bookmarked search engines.

rpysh Python 8

Remote Python shell, for Linux Pythoners coping with Windows.

fiemap-rs Rust 7

FIEMAP library and tools for Rust

myhaskells Haskell 7

Haskell programs writing while learning

mozlz4-tool Rust 6

A tool to process mozlz4 files

HTTPSEverywhereUserRules 6

My personal HTTPSEverywhere rules

bluekeyslistener Rust 5

Listen to bluetooth headphone keys (Linux only)

fcitx-mb Python 5

A tool for interactively viewing and modifying fcitx's code tables.

luoxu Python 5

A Telegram userbot to index Chinese group contents.

fcitx-lua-scripts Lua 5

pyxmpp2 * Python 5

The new and shiny XMPP implementation for Python

git-linked Python 4

git logs with hyperlinks

simplehist Rust 4

A simple program to show a histogram on the terminal.

fetchtitle Python 4

Asynchronized URL information retriever

battery-historian * Go 3

Battery Historian is a tool to analyze battery consumers using Android "bugreport" files.

dnsmasq-china-list * Python 3

Configuration for hot China domains to accelerate via Dnsmasq

fcitx * C 3

python-fontconfig * Python 3

Python binding for Fontconfig

mc2tg Python 3

A bot to synchronize messages from minecraft server to Telegram and back

tailf.vim Vim script 3

asynchronous "tail -f" and other shell commands in Vim 8

filequeue Rust 3

send logs to Kafka, using the log file like a queue, without rotation.

luaprofile * C 3

Profile your Lua functions without modification on the code

mru * Vim script 3

Most Recently Used (MRU) Vim Plugin

lualogging * Lua 3

LuaLogging provides a simple API to use logging features in Lua. Its design was based on log4j.

vim * Vim script 2

A fork of The official Vim repository

drop-serverhello Rust 2

Drop ServerHello with netfilter_queue. For testing bug 1718719 of Firefox.

x.rs Rust 2

Extract various archive formats to standalone directory.

fcitx5-tabledict Rust 2

A tool to manipulate fcitx5 tabledict.

paperlike-i2c Rust 2

i2c program for Dasung Paperlike HD e-ink monitors

viewhtmlmsg Python 2

View an HTML email message in a browser (for text MUAs like mutt)

tornado * Python 2

Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed.

rust-signalbool Rust 2

A simple crate to catch signals and set a boolean flag for later use.

cf-pop JavaScript 2

Which Cloudflare® datacenter am I visiting? (Firefox addon)

text-reflow-we JavaScript 2

Firefox Android addon to allow click events to reflow text of that tag to fit screen width

programmer-job-blacklist * 2


python-netfilterqueue * Python 2

Python bindings for libnetfilter_queue

lilydjwg.github.io JavaScript 2

dns-tcp-socks-proxy * C 2

Simple daemon to tunnel DNS requests over SOCKS

imagestamp C 2

add a stamp / watermark to a couple of images, at a chosen position for each

android-dedupefs C 2

A filesystem for reading Android dedupe backup

python-syntax * VimL 2

[deprecated] Go to https://github.com/vim-python/python-syntax

lusty * Vim script 2

LustyExplorer / LustyJuggler for Vim

gundo.vim * VimL 2

A git mirror of gundo.vim

csspretty.vim * VimL 2

fcitx-fbterm * C 2

Fbterm support for fcitx

gitli * Python 2

Simple git extension to manage issues in single-developer projects

website-styles CSS 1

My custom styles for some websites (stylus)

py-spy * Rust 1

Sampling profiler for Python programs

socat C 1

socat - Multipurpose relay (cloned from git://repo.or.cz/socat.git) http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/

open-noatime Rust 1

Hook `open` and `open64` libc calls to avoid updating atimes while searching or the like.

vim-cn * 1


pysctp * Python 1

SCTP stack for Python

s2-geometry-library * C++ 1

A Library for Spherical Geometry

pid_children Rust 1

A simple program outputs descendant process ids for each pid given on the command line

srcipfix Rust 1

fix source IP for UDP packets with netfilter_queue

awesome-rss * JavaScript 1

Puts an RSS/Atom subscribe button back in URL bar

marked * JavaScript 1

A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.

vim-foldsearch * Vim script 1

vimcdoc * C 1

Vim 中文文档计划

fdlink * C 1

File Descriptor Link - recover deleted files that are still opened

pystun * Python 1

A Python STUN client for getting NAT type and external IP

vim-fugitive * VimL 1

fugitive.vim: a Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal

goagent * Python 1

a gae proxy

lang-detect * Python 1

detecting the language for a small piece of unicode text

dablooms * C 1

scaling, counting, bloom filter library

mongodb-log * Python 1

MongoDB Python logging handler, Centralized logging made simple using MongoDB.

vim-easymotion * VimL 1

Vim motions on speed!

pyparsing_fork Python 1

My fork for pyparsing, on *GitHub*

py-trello * Python 1

Python API wrapper around Trello's API

piep * Python 1

Bringing the power of python to stream editing

redis-py * 1

Redis Python Client

shadowsocks * Python 1

A fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls

pg_tail * C 1

' tail -f ' your PostgreSQL tables.

test-issues 0


input-linux-rs * Rust 0

evdev and uinput for Rust

NeoNetwork * Python 0

A useless VPN Network ready for peering

fcitx5 * C++ 0

maybe a new fcitx.

win-notifies-lin Python 0

Programs to notify a Linux desktop when there are watched notifications in Windows

pyalpm * C 0

Python 3 bindings for libalpm

luoxu-search * Vue 0

extsort-lily Rust 0

An efficient external sort library for Rust

fcitx5-skin-violet 0

external_sort * Rust 0

xy 0

fcitx5-paste-primary * C++ 0

Fcitx Addon to Paste Primary selection with Keyboard

libime * C++ 0

vim-systemd-syntax * Vim script 0

syntax highlighting and filetype detection for systemd unit files

aiogram * Python 0

Is a pretty simple and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API written in Python 3.7 with asyncio and aiohttp.

getmail6 * Python 0

based on getmail 5.14, with adaptations for python 3

my-trime 0

My customizations for trime

pycurl * Python 0

PycURL - Python interface to libcurl

diffchar.vim * 0

Highlight the exact differences, based on characters and words

neomake * Vim script 0

Asynchronous linting and make framework for Neovim/Vim

htop * 0

htop is an interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. It aims to be a better 'top'.

batstatus Rust 0

A simple command line utility to show batter status on Linux, replacing the acpi utility

fast-syntax-highlighting * Shell 0

Syntax-highlighting for Zshell – fine granularity, number of features, 40 work hours themes (short name F-Sy-H)

libnetfilter_queue * Rust 0

rust-tokio-anyfd Rust 0

Use any suitable file descriptor with tokio

vim-toml * Vim script 0

Vim syntax for TOML

rust-bcc * Rust 0

user-friendly rust bindings for the bpf compiler collection

skim * Rust 0

Fuzzy Finder in rust!

cpython * Python 0

The Python programming language

bcc * Python 0

BCC - Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more

webogram * JavaScript 0

Telegram web application, GPL v3

tuna-scripts * Python 0

redis-rs * Rust 0

Redis library for rust

rime-wubi * 0


vim-markdown-toc * Vim script 0

:package: A vim 7.4+ plugin to generate table of contents for Markdown files.

collectd * C 0

The system statistics collection daemon. Please send Pull Requests here!

wxHexEditor * C 0

wxHexEditor official GIT repo

aioredis * Python 0

asyncio (PEP 3156) Redis support

TextareaCache * JavaScript 0

Automatically save the content in Textarea.

ShadowBrokersFiles * 0

Cracked ShadowBrokers tools and latested dumps 😎

https-everywhere * Python 0

A browser extension that encrypts your communications with many websites that offer HTTPS but still allow unencrypted connections.

autojump * Python 0

A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line

pigar * Python 0

:coffee: A fantastic tool to generate requirements for your Python project, and more than that.

racer * Rust 0

Rust Code Completion utility

vim-go * Vim script 0

Go development plugin for Vim

vim-highlightedyank * Vim script 0

Make the yanked region apparent!

keys 0

My public keys

asyncio-redis-cluster * Python 0

Cluster support for asyncio Redis client

ripgrep * Rust 0

ripgrep combines the usability of The Silver Searcher with the raw speed of grep.

ImageTweak * JavaScript 0

Mozilla Firefox add-on for improving the image viewing UX

iputils * C 0

The iputils package is set of small useful utilities for Linux networking.

bonsai * C 0

Simple Python 3 module for LDAP, using libldap2 and winldap C libraries.

phpredis * C 0

A PHP extension for Redis

dump * PHP 0

Unfinished projects and snippets

nethogs * C++ 0

Linux 'net top' tool

mitmproxy * JavaScript 0

An interactive SSL-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers

vim-follow-my-lead * VimL 0

Vim plugin for showing all your <Leader> mappings in a readable table including the descriptions.

progit2-zh * CSS 0

keynav * C 0

retire your mouse.

vnstat * C 0

vnStat - a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD

neovim * VimL 0

ambitious Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility. Please consider helping sustain Neovim development! https://salt.bountysource.com/teams/neovim

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
Vim script 14 99.80% 738
Rust 69 98.80% 119
Lua 74 99.03% 109
C++ 177 99.71% 487
Python 260 99.72% 1275
更新于2021-09-23 11:01:40