Hello World


packer-ng-plugin Java 4726


android-volley Java 4359


mqtt Rich Text Format 3973


RxDocs 3813


awesome-kotlin 2098

A curated list of awesome Kotlin frameworks, libraries, documents and other resources

gradle-packer-plugin Groovy 1362


Android-Next Java 771

Android Next 公共组件库

minicat Java 678


kotlin-koi Kotlin 508

Koi, a lightweight kotlin library for Android Development.

fanfouapp-opensource Java 442


xBus Java 318

Simple EventBus Implementation for Android

GeoPhotos Swift 65

Exif GPS metadata editor for Mac OS X.

android-ndk-notes C++ 51

Android NDK Notes

kotlin-notes Kotlin 49

Kotlin Notes

ApkSigner Java 47

ApkSigner and ApkVerifier, modified from https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/apksig/.

scrypto C 44

A Lightweight Crypto Library (NDK), support AES/DES/MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512/Base64

pyfanfou Python 41


apptoolkit Java 28

a android app tool, to backup/manage app/data.

ESPDateTime C 25

Date Time Functions and Classes for ESP8266 and ESP32

MediaCodec Java 18

audio and video recording demo using mediacodec.

biology 13


Dapenti-iOS Swift 11

A simple dapenti.com App, written in Swift.

mqtt-monitor JavaScript 10

MQTT Monitor UI using react and mqtt.js

learning-ios Swift 7

Learn iOS Programming

python-labs Python 7

some python scripts

boringssl-android C 6

fixed build for android-platform-external-boringssl

dsaac C 5

Learn Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C

micro-labs C 4

Notes for C51, Arduino, Keil, Proteus and other microcontrollers.

wechat-robot Python 3

wechat robot using flask

audio-cli.js JavaScript 2

Command line utilities for analyze/split/merge/convert/edit audio files.

fantalk Java 2


foc 2

Fishes Of China.

docker Python 1

Some useful Dockerfile and docker compose configurations.

PiZero.GPIO C 1

Orange Pi Zero GPIO python library

hardmode JavaScript 1

gfw files

learning-web JavaScript 1

Web Develop Notes: HTML, CSS, Javascript

unp3e-notes C 1

Code and notes for Unix Network Programming Volume 1 (3e).

KindleUnpack * Python 1

python based software to unpack Amazon / Kindlegen generated ebooks

BLEControl Swift 1

An iOS app to communicate with Bluetooth module.

mcxiaoke.github.io.source CSS 1

Xiaoke's Blog

node-labs.js JavaScript 0

Benton LTE DongleManager

genshin-mys-checkin * 0


ps-prices.js HTML 0

Some useful scripts for Playstaion Store

ESPDev C++ 0

ESP8266, ESP32, Arduino Projects.

react-redux-demo JavaScript 0

custom react-redux

media-cli.js JavaScript 0

Photo and Video ExifTool Utilities

cue-parser * TypeScript 0

A nodejs library to parse cue sheet

node-demo JavaScript 0

Node JS Demos

webpack-demo JavaScript 0

openwrt * 0

Lienol's Modified OpenWrt source

csapp-notes C 0

CSAPP Notes and Solutions

doubanhelper JavaScript 0

a Chrome extension for developers working with douban api.

flask-miniblog Python 0

flask-miniblog, from Flask-Mega tutorials.

arduinoWebSockets * 0


chinese-poetry * 0

The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。 🤪 😜 阿里招p6/p7 Python Golang | gaojunqi@outlook.com | 上海张江

stm32-labs C 0

STM32 Projects.

wiringOP * C 0

wiringPi for Orange Pi

micropython-labs Python 0

Personal MicroPython projects.

node-labs JavaScript 0

personal nodejs scripts and apps.

1password-teams-open-source * 0

Get a free 1Password Teams membership for your open source project

ESP32_AnalogWrite * 0

Provides an analogWrite polyfill for ESP32 using the LEDC functions

WiFiManager * 0

ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal

ESPAsyncWebServer * 0

Async Web Server for ESP8266 and ESP32

pubsubclient * 0

A client library for the Arduino Ethernet Shield that provides support for MQTT.

IDEASettings 0

Intellij IDEA Settings

react-comment-demo JavaScript 0

React Comment App Demo

urlexpander Java 0

An Android App for Expanding shorten urls

mcxiaoke.github.io HTML 0


apue2e-notes C 0

APUE 2e Notes

documents TeX 0

Issue Tracker for my iOS/macOS/Android/Win applications.

pypub * HTML 0

Python library to programatically create epub files

st3config Python 0

Sublime Text 3 Configurations.

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
Groovy 1 99.96% 1362
Rich Text Format 2 99.61% 3973
Java 41 99.95% 11389
Kotlin 47 99.42% 557
C 686 98.72% 86
更新于2021-09-23 11:19:45