
@cryptape @nervosnetwork
The Third Continent

ruby-pinyin Ruby 539

中文汉字转拼音, 支持中英文符号混合词语。Pinyin is a romanization system (phonemic notation) of Chinese characters, this gem helps you to convert Chinese characters into pinyin form.

vim-rubytest Vim script 66

Run ruby test in vim

rails_admin_jcrop Ruby 47

Jcrop plugin for RailsAdmin, enable image cropping function on image fields.

nevermore JavaScript 24

Social credit information system based on blockchain.

chardet2 Ruby 23

Universal Encoding Detector

ethpanel JavaScript 10

A friendly web interface to ethereum node.

hubot-scripts * CoffeeScript 7

optional scripts for hubot, opt in via hubot-scripts.json

omniauth-http-basic Ruby 7

Http Basic authentication strategy for OmniAuth

newsmailer Ruby 7

Read news from rss/atom/... feeds, send them to your mailbox

lovd-by-less * Ruby 5

Integrate Ankoder Video Professional Service with lovd-by-less

factom-ruby Ruby 4

A ruby client for Factom (factom.org)

perftools.rb * C 3

google-perftools for ruby code

mdb-tt-benchmark * Ruby 3

TokyoTyrant vs MongoDB vs CouchDB Simple Benchmark

backup * Ruby 3

Backup is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to easily perform backup operations on both your remote, as well as your local environment. It provides you with an elegant DSL in Ruby for modeling (configuring) your backups. Backup has built-in support for various databases, storage protocols/services, syncers, compressors, encryptors and notifiers which you can mix and match. It was built with modularity, extensibility and simplicity in mind.

gossiper Java 3


ckb-biubiubiu Ruby 2

blockchain-babel 2

Translations of blockchain technologies.

stropheruby * C 2

Ruby bindings for Strophe, a C library for writing XMPP clients

apache-upload-progress-module * C 2

Upload progress module for apache

paperclip * Ruby 2

Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord

rack * Ruby 2

a modular Ruby webserver interface

nock * JavaScript 2

HTTP mocking and expectations library

AudioDebugger Java 2

Android audio system debug tool.

omniauth-broadworks Ruby 2

Broadworks XSI authentication strategy for OmniAuth

yeoman-marionette-demo JavaScript 1

ruby-ethereum-base Ruby 1

Base libraries and tools for ruby-ethereum.

devise-riak Ruby 1

An example rails app use devise together with curator (data mapper for riak)

pm * 1

Project Management: Meeting notes and agenda items

lightning-rfc * 1

Lightning Network Specifications

Documents * 1

neuron * 1

Neuron: Nervos CKB Wallet

research * Python 1

casper * Python 1

Casper contract, daemon and related software and tests

pyrlp * Python 1

The python RLP serialization library

rails * Ruby 1

Ruby on Rails

omniauth * Ruby 1

OmniAuth is a flexible authentication system utilizing Rack middleware.

hubot * CoffeeScript 1

A customizable, kegerator-powered life embetterment robot.

jruby * Ruby 1

JRuby, an implementation of Ruby on the JVM

purple_ruby * C 1

A ruby gem to write server that sends and recives IM messages, using libpurple

redis-store * Ruby 1

Namespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web frameworks

rack-test * Ruby 1

Rack::Test is a layer on top of Rack's MockRequest similar to Merb's RequestHelper

snailgun * Ruby 1

Preload and fork ruby interpreter for fast script startup

omniauth-identity * Ruby 1

A simple login and password strategy for OmniAuth.

proof-of-liabilities * JavaScript 1

Proof of Liabilities (PoL) is a scheme designed to let companies that accept monetary deposits from consumers (e.g. Bitcoin exchanges, gambling websites, online Bitcoin wallets, etc.) prove their total amount of deposits (their liabilities) without compromising the privacy of individual users.

weibo_2 * Ruby 1

A ruby gem for sina weibo oauth2 api, with examples, and it actually works.

labs.bitshares.org * CSS 1


react-boilerplate * JavaScript 1

Boilerplate for creating a React npm package

truffle * JavaScript 1

A development framework for Ethereum

rack-mini-profiler * Ruby 1

Profiler for your development and production Ruby rack apps.

secp256k1-py * Python 1

Python FFI bindings for secp256k1 :dizzy:

pydevp2p * Python 1

Python Implementation of the Ethereum P2P stack

viper * Python 1

New experimental programming language

rust-concurrency-benchmark Rust 1

PCIIR Ruby 1

<<Programm Collective Intelligence>> algorithms in ruby

codegraph Ruby 1

Generate graphs for your code.

did-bit-spec * 0

DID Method specification for did:bit

block_logger Ruby 0

A convenient logger.

ibc * 0

Interchain Standards (ICS) for the Cosmos network & interchain ecosystem.

bips * 0

Bitcoin Improvement Proposals

secp256k1 * C 0

Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1

simplezkp Rust 0

ckb * Rust 0

Nervos CKB is a public permissionless blockchain, the common knowledge layer of Nervos network.

weweChat * JavaScript 0

💬 Unofficial WeChat client built with React, MobX and Electron.

awesome-ethereum-virtual-machine * 0

Ethereum Virtual Machine Awesome List

swarm-home * HTML 0

the swarm landing page

rust-cache-2q * Rust 0

pyethereum * Python 0

Next generation cryptocurrency network

py_pairing * Python 0

Elliptic curve operations, including pairings

pyethapp * Python 0

writings 0

godwoken-review * 0

rfcs * 0

This repository contains proposals, standards and documentations related to Nervos Network.

celluloid * Ruby 0

Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby

www * HTML 0


serpent * C++ 0

tests * Python 0

Common tests for all Ethereum implementations

slock-js * JavaScript 0

the backend of the slock framework

solidity * C++ 0

The Solidity Contract-Oriented Programming Language

devise * Ruby 0

Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.

ruby-china * Ruby 0

:circus_tent: Ruby China website source code.

orm_adapter * Ruby 0

Provides a single point of entry for using basic features of ruby ORMs

react-typeahead * JavaScript 0

Pure react-based typeahead and typeahead-tokenizer

janx.github.io 0

Personal website.

peatio * Ruby 0

An open-source, white label cryptocurrency exchange

crypto013 Ruby 0

My crypto013 homework in ruby.

boilr * Java 0

Cryptocurrency and bullion price alarms for Android

awesome-copycats * Lua 0

Awesome WM themes

lain * Lua 0

Awesome WM complements

bitshares * C++ 0

Libraries and Utilities for building DACs

rubychina4android * Java 0


riak-ruby-client * Ruby 0

Ruby client for Riak

alipay * Ruby 0

An unofficial alipay ruby gem

authlogic * Ruby 0

A simple model based ruby authentication solution.

faster_open_struct * Ruby 0

Up to 40 (!) times more memory efficient version of OpenStruct

flight * JavaScript 0

A lightweight, component-based JavaScript framework

acts-as-taggable-on * Ruby 0

A tagging plugin for Rails applications that allows for custom tagging along dynamic contexts.

7langs Java 0

---- 0

chef-repo-riak-cluster Ruby 0

Build a riak cluster with vagrant and chef.

sms-fu Ruby 0

awesome Lua 0

awesome wm configurations

xmonad-log-plasmoid Python 0

Xmonad log applet for KDE4, like xmonad-log-applet for Gnome

some-pages 0

Random static pages

more-shortcuts JavaScript 0

Gnome shell extension, provide additional functions and shortcuts to those functions.

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
Ruby 18 99.90% 659
Vim script 76 98.93% 66
CoffeeScript 154 97.16% 8
C 3122 93.76% 8
JavaScript 4639 95.78% 40
更新于2024-03-29 03:01:44