Funky Gao

Beijing, China

cp-ddd-framework Java 667

A lightweight flexible development framework for complex business architecture with full ecosystem!轻量级业务中台开发框架,中台架构的顶层设计和完整解决方案!

golib Go 124

my personal golang lib

gafka Go 95

A full ecosystem that is built around kafka powered by golang

mhub Go 32

mhub, a cluster MQTT v3.1 broker in golang

dpipe Go 23

distributed data pipeline to process log events

dbus Go 22

yet another databus that transfer/transform pipeline data between plugins

paycode Go 21


fae Go 20

Distributed RPC framework for enterprise SOA infrastructure

oms 16

OMS Design

archeck Go 6

Run checklist for architecture design

hbase-code PHP 6

hbase source code explaination

automan PHP 6

Auto generate api doc for backend/frontend developpers for loosely coupled collaboration

godag Go 5

DAG in golang

kids 3

Computer Science for Kids

go-helix Go 3

A apache-helix implemented in golang

tcpdumper Go 2

tcpdump output analyzer

goannotation Go 2

annotation in golang, work with go generate tool

swf Go 2

A aws swf open source implementation in golang.

nano Go 2

a nanomsg implemented in golang

toolbox PHP 2

my programming toolbox

tiktok_source 1

Full source code to the android tiktok app.

dlog 1

Distributed Logger: Apache Bookkeeper clone in golang

java-style 1

java 代码约定(internal used only)

funkygao 1

keynotes 1

Key technology notes

dbus-extra Protocol Buffer 1

dbus related misc files

zkclient Go 1

Zookeeper Client in golang

rpque Makefile 1

A replicated priority queue cluster

etclib Go 1

shared config service lib integrated with etcd

ghrank Go 1

github rank is a CLI that helps to list hottest repos in any language

kafka-cg * Go 1

Load-balancing, resuming Kafka consumer for go, backed by Zookeeper.

log4go Go 1

clone of

goagain * Go 1

Zero-downtime restarts in Go

playtcp Go 1

play with tcp, learn tcp by drafting test cases

dlogmon Go 1

dlog monitor

als Go 1

application logging system

mqttmsg Go 1

MacProfile VimL 1


fcgiclient Shell 1

fastcgi client

sqlc Go 0

A SQL compiler

sqlx-1 * 0

强大的 SQL 语法拓展,目标是打造 "易读易写 方便维护" 的 sql 脚本 | SQL Extension

go-mysql * Go 0

a powerful mysql toolset with Go

pdd_3years * 0


cloud-native 0

Cloud native tech stack

interval-tree * Ruby 0

A Ruby implementation of augmented interval tree

github-slideshow Ruby 0

A robot powered training repository :robot:

awesome-ddd * 0

A curated list of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Event Sourcing, and Event Storming resources

debezium * 0

Change data capture for a variety of databases. Please log issues at

life CSS 0

algorithm-visualizer * JavaScript 0

:fireworks:Interactive Online Platform that Visualizes Algorithms from Code

go-torch * Go 0

Stochastic flame graph profiler for Go programs

strcase * Go 0

A golang package for converting to snake_case or CamelCase

columnize * Go 0

Easy column formatted output for golang

transmittable-thread-local * Kotlin 0

📌 The missing std Java™ lib(simple & 0-dependency) for framework/middleware, provide an enhanced InheritableThreadLocal that transmits ThreadLocal value between threads even using thread pooling components.

master 0

master data infrastructure HTML 0

funkygao blog

etree * Go 0

parse and generate XML easily in go

jsonq * Go 0

simple json field access for golang

persistent-cookiejar * Go 0

cookiejar is a fork of net/http/cookiejar that allows serialisation of the stored cookies

blogassets 0

my blog assets

gitflow Java 0

test teamwork git flow

beeep * Go 0

Go cross-platform library for sending desktop notifications, alerts and beeps

tfshow Python 0

tensorflow showcases

raft-fastlog * Go 0

Raft in-memory backend implementation with persistence

sqlhooks * Go 0

Attach hooks to any database/sql driver

goquery * Go 0

A little like that j-thing, only in Go.

go-named-params * Go 0

Named parameters for Go functions

gafka-extra Go 0

extra docs and script related to gafka project

memberlist * Go 0

An example of how to use hashicorp/memberlist

catena * Go 0

A time series storage engine for Go

missinggo * Go 0

Stuff that's missing in Go stdlib, or hasn't made it into its own repo.

kcp-go * Go 0

A Full-Featured Reliable-UDP Library for golang

gocli * Go 0

A Go library for implementing command-line interfaces.

go-zookeeper * Go 0

Native ZooKeeper client for Go

curator * Go 0

study 0

Source code level study of some popular open source projects

gohelix * Go 0

Golang binding for Apache Helix

anomalyzer * Go 0

Probabilistic anomaly detection for time series data

homework Go 0

Let computer help my daughter do here homework -:)

Go-Redis * Go 0

Google Go Client and Connectors for Redis

ejson * Go 0

EJSON is a small library to manage encrypted secrets using asymmetric encryption.

hyperfox * Go 0

A security tool for transparently hijacking HTTP and HTTPs traffic.

benchcmp-vcs * Go 0

benchcmp-vcs is a wrapper of benchcmp.

assert * Go 0

Asserts to Go testing

algorithms * Go 0

Go language implementation of selected algorithms from the "Algorithms in a Nutshell" book. The source code attempts to follow, as closely as possible, the algorithm pseudocode from the book. This is an ongoing project

go-string-concat-benchmarks * Go 0

Benchmarks to compare the different string concatenation methods in Go

gum Go 0

Connect software with people

httprouter * Go 0

A high performance HTTP request router that scales well

go-metrics * Go 0

Go port of Coda Hale's Metrics library

cli * Go 0

A small package for building command line apps in Go

gobench Go 0

golang benchmark cases

kazoo-go * Go 0

Go library to access Kafka metadata in Zookeeper

gorequest * Go 0

GoRequest -- Simplified HTTP client ( inspired by nodejs SuperAgent )

seekwatcher * C 0

My hacks on top of

fungame PHP 0

game backend scaffold

fbthrift * C++ 0

Facebook's thrift

go-slab * Go 0

slab allocator in go

tsuru * Go 0

Open source Platform as a Service.

tail * Go 0

Go package for reading from continously updated files (tail -f)

liner * Go 0

Pure Go line editor with history, inspired by linenoise

pastry * Go 0

A pure Go implementation of the Pastry Distributed Hash Table

peter * Go 0

A distributed pub/sub network written in Go. Built on Pastry, modeled after SCRIBE.

kiteq * Go 0

kiteq is a distributed mq framework

yamux * Go 0

Golang connection multiplexing library

termui * Go 0

Golang terminal dashboard

erlbyexample Erlang 0

erlang programming by example

bleve * Go 0

A modern text indexing library for go

color Go 0

a CLI that apply specified color to matching text on console

membuf * Go 0

bufferManager demonstrates a technique to decrease pressure on GC in Go.

PaxosCluster * Go 0

A framework for distributed applications.

env VimL 0

my personal working environment

flatbuffers * C++ 0

Memory Efficient Serialization Library

prettybench * Go 0

Format Go's benchmarking output

jsconf * Go 0

A powerful configuration package for go using Loose JSON as the format

ddtxn * Go 0

Research code for Doppel, an in-memory key/value transactional store

gcvis * Go 0

Visualise Go program GC trace data in real time

thrift * C++ 0

Mirror of Apache Thrift

gnatsd * Go 0

High Performance NATS Server

mysql * Go 0

Go-MySQL-Driver is a lightweight and fast MySQL-Driver for Go's (golang) database/sql package

mergemap * Go 0

Go library to recursively merge JSON maps

cubes * Python 0

Light-weight Python OLAP framework for multi-dimensional data analysis

iris * Go 0

Decentralized cloud messaging

papers-we-love * 0

Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.

tcputil * Go 0


sqlx * Go 0

general purpose extensions to golang's database/sql

dawg * Go 0

Directed Acyclic Word Graph implementation in Go, with fuzzy search of words in the graph.

mmmreplicator Go 0

multi-master mongodb replicator

gringo * Go 0

High-performance minimalist queue implemented using a stripped-down lock-free ringbuffer, written in Go (

bayesian * Go 0

Naive Bayesian Classification for Golang.

github-pages 0

github pages demo

go-simplejson * Go 0

a Go package to interact with arbitrary JSON

sky * Go 0

Sky is an open source, behavioral analytics database.

pretty * Go 0

Pretty printing for Go values

dtraces Shell 0

Diagnostics of low level info with dtrace

phpservlet PHP 0

a servlet container implemented in php

chanbroadcast Go 0

golang broadcast channel implementation

Faker * PHP 0

Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you

cubesviewer * JavaScript 0

Visual tool for exploring and analyzing OLAP databases.

annotated_redis_source * C 0

带有详细注释的 Redis 2.6 源码

god * Go 0

A Go database

qfs * C 0

Quantcast File System

pysandbox * Python 0

pysandbox is a Python sandbox. By default, untrusted code executed in the sandbox cannot modify the environment (write a file, use print or import a module). But you can configure the sandbox to choose exactly which features are allowed or not, eg. import sys module and read file /etc/issue.

disruptor * Java 0

High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library

epos * Go 0

embeddable persistent object store

mitmproxy * Python 0

An interactive SSL-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers

Resume * Ruby 0

A markdown port of my resume

nessDB * C 0

A very fast key-value, embedded Database Storage Engine, Using Small-Splittable Tree(Another log-structured-merge tree) from version 2.0

plfs-core * C++ 0

PLFS is a parallel virtual file system that rearranges random, concurrent writes into sequential writes to unique files (i.e. N-1 into N-N). Available under LANL LA-CC-08-104.

go-streaming-loadbalancer * Go 0

A small loadbalancer API written in Go (Using Pat, Redigo and Go-GeoIP)

Go-PerfEvents * Go 0

Go interface to performance events which are available in recent Linux kernels

vmtouch * C 0

Portable file system cache diagnostics and control

GoStats * Go 0

Descriptive statistics and linear regression for Go

govtil * Go 0

Some util libraries in Go

packet-flight * JavaScript 0

Watch the data fly

capistrano * Ruby 0

Remote multi-server automation tool

python-seminar * Python 0

Python Seminar Course at UC Berkeley (AY 250)

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
Protocol Buffer 16 88.97% 1
Go 262 99.33% 369
Makefile 522 85.02% 1
Java 819 99.10% 667
PHP 1544 94.49% 14
更新于2021-09-23 12:32:29