
ZheJiang hangzhou

ncmbot Python 216

NeteaseCloudMusic Bot for Philharmonic™. ✨🍰✨ 网易云音乐 Python 组件库,用 Python 玩转网易云音乐

PythonGuide Python 77

This`s a guide of python.

GithubTrending-Mini-Program JavaScript 56

✨小程序版GithubTrending 和 后台Server✨

AppDynamicFramework Java 34

:fax:For DynamicLoadApk encapsulates a more complete framework for handling, including load Libs directory, each plug-in Service voluntarily injection.. Thanks for DynamicLoadApk.(针对DynamicLoadApk 做的一些上层工作。)

HybridFramework Python 23


V2EX_Spider Python 22


SmzdmSpider Python 20

什么值得买 Python 爬虫项目 同步到

AppComponentFramework Java 19

App 组件化 加载框架,维护一个树状数据结构进行管理、深度优先搜索

-Api * 13

「一个」、「Time 时光」、「开眼」、「一席」、「梨视频」、「微软必应词典」、「金山词典」、「豆瓣电影」、「中央天气」、「魅族天气」、「每日一文」、「12306」、「途牛」、「快递100」、「快递」应用 Api。仅供学习,禁止商业使用,侵权请联系删除。 HTML 12

:fax:My Site,My Lover、For U And For Me.

cup-size * Python 6


GithubTrending-MiniProgram-Django JavaScript 6

Django 实现的 GithubTrending 服务器端

SpiderFramework Python 6


LiveUIDemo Java 6


ItChat * Python 5

A complete and graceful API for Wechat. 微信个人号接口、微信机器人及命令行微信,三十行即可自定义个人号机器人。

BuildApks Python 4

Python 打多渠道 Android 包

AlipayFu Python 4

这代码短的可怕,用Python 给支付宝提供 ”福“ 字

XUPTScore Java 4

西邮成绩Android客户端 源代码

JythonCallback Java 3


awesome-mac * HTML 3

 This repo is a collection of awesome Mac applications and tools for developers and designers.

NodeJSFtp JavaScript 3

一个用NodeJS实现的Ftp Servce

ShellGuide Shell 3

This`s the guide shell.

MediaRecorder * Java 3


HeartAirBubbles 2


DataStructuresAndAlgorithm Java 2


WeChatForPython 2


android-training-course-in-chinese * JavaScript 2

Google Android官方培训课程中文版

Anti-recall * Java 2

防撤回神器 !

IMClientWithFramework Java 2


Python * Python 1

All Algorithms implemented in Python

okhttp-utils * Java 1


solo * Java 1

:guitar: A blogging system written in Java, feel free to create your or your team own blog. 一个用 Java 实现的博客系统,为你或你的团队创建个博客吧!

pyspider * Python 1

A Powerful Spider(Web Crawler) System in Python.

CocosCreatorRise JavaScript 1

CocosCreator 学习

wemark * JavaScript 1


MinAppPython Python 1

知晓商店 刷榜脚本

NBA-Player-Movements * Python 1

🏀 Visualization of NBA games from raw SportVU data logs

skill-map * HTML 1

StuQ 技能图谱

androidBsdiffUpdate * Makefile 1


android-open-project * 1

A categorized collection of Android Open Source Projects 微信公众号: codekk

V2EX-Alfred Python 1

用 Alfred 查看 V2EX 最新文章

NeteaseCloudMusicApi * JavaScript 1

网易云音乐nodejs api

Awesome-Hacking * 1

A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers

DrcomClient Java 1


DebugHybrid Java 1


xupt_score_server Java 1

Maven project for xuptscore.

DrcomServer Java 1

MyReactNative JavaScript 1

ReactNative Guide

PLDroidCameraStreaming * Java 1

Pili RTMP Streaming SDK for Android, H.264 and AAC software encoding or hardware encoding are both supported.

DragActivity Java 1

drag activity

EditDialog Java 1


SwipeRefreshLayout * Java 1


wechat-deleted-friends * Python 1


lede * 0

Lean's OpenWrt source

AutoBuild-OpenWrt * Shell 0

Build OpenWrt using GitHub Actions | 使用 GitHub Actions 编译 OpenWrt | 感谢P3TERX的项目源码

Actions-OpenWrt * 0

Build OpenWrt using GitHub Actions | 使用 GitHub Actions 云编译 OpenWrt

xupt_score_android Java 0

this is my app, about the score of xiyou.

android-nebula * 0

Android H5 容器及离线包

ridesharing-android * 0

Ridesharing driver & rider sample apps using HyperTrack SDK

oh-my-zsh * Shell 0

A delightful community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.

activate-power-mode * CoffeeScript 0

qianghongbao * Java 0


requests * Python 0

Python HTTP Requests for Humans™

Effective-MultiType * 0

augmented-traffic-control * Python 0

Augmented Traffic Control: A tool to simulate network conditions

TestNet Python 0

Ins-SpringBoot Java 0

SpringBoot 版的 Ins Server

PicWallBot JavaScript 0

docsify * JavaScript 0

🃏 A magical documentation site generator.

DjangoDemo Python 0

AlipayRedPackBot 0


Ashion8 Java 0


insloader 0

GithubTrendingApi-Python 0

框架基于 Python 的 Github Trending Api 文档

androidSource * 0

android framework层源码解析,不定时更新哈

system-design-primer * Python 0

Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.

ReactNative-Guide Objective-C 0

badger * Go 0

Fastest key/value store in Go.

DingTalkGPSFaker * Logos 0

钉钉模拟 GPS 定位,实现远程“打卡”

PythonBus Python 0

bash-guide * 0

A guide to learn bash

coding-interview-university * 0

A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.

atom-runner * CoffeeScript 0

This package will run various script files inside of Atom. It currently supports JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, and Python. You can add more.

HackBuzzfeed Python 0

Hack Buzzfeed Media JSON

CircleImage Java 0


hover * Java 0

A floating menu library for Android.

java * Java 0

jsoniter (json-iterator) is fast and flexible JSON parser available in Java and Go

leakcanary * Java 0

A memory leak detection library for Android and Java.

BubbleSeekBar * Java 0


DanmakuFlameMaster * Java 0

Android开源弹幕引擎·烈焰弹幕使 ~

MultiType * Java 0

An Android library to retrofit multiple item view types

BeautifulCode HTML 0

Hello,My Coder

CommonUIUitl Java 0

Android Common UI Utils

LingDong2.0 * Java 0

“面对面文件快传”,Android端灵动快传,安卓互传文件,局域网,无网传输文件,Android,file transfer

WhoCall * Objective-C 0

谁CALL我 - iOS来电信息语音提醒

awesome-android-ui * 0

A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries

HybridApp 0

一个简单的Hybrid App

ClickScaleView Java 0

一个简单的点击Image 弹动效果

AndroidUIUtil 0


gitignore * 0

A collection of useful .gitignore templates

KissTools * Java 0

Common utils for android application development.

hexo-theme-next * CSS 0

Elegant theme for Hexo.

PayDemo 0

depend on Ping plus plus.

TastyToast * Java 0

:bread: Make your native android Toasts Tasty

ProMosaic * Java 0

Make mosaic effect on android

AndroidUtilCode * Java 0

RNProject Python 0

pingpp-android * Java 0

okhttp * Java 0

An HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications.

LearningNotes * 0

Enjoy Learning.

hexo * JavaScript 0

A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.

RxMarkdown * Java 0

:fax:Markdown for Android.

clean-project-architecture * Java 0

the architecture which uses clean-mvp ,Rxjava,Retrofit,Gson,and EventBus.

webpack-learning JavaScript 0


webpack * JavaScript 0

A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows to load parts for the application on demand. Through "loaders," modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.

gulp * JavaScript 0

The streaming build system

Android-Resources * 0


DynamicAPK * C++ 0

Solution to implement multi apk dynamic loading and hot fixing for Android App. (实现Android App多apk插件化和动态加载,支持资源分包和热修复)

Android-PullToRefresh * Java 0


android_sdk * Java 0

This is the Android SDK of

android-native-dependencies * Groovy 0

Gradle plugin for resolving and downloading Android native dependencies (.so)



CCActivityIndicatorView * Objective-C 0

A simple replacement for UIActivityIndicatorView

gitlabhq * Ruby 0

GitLab is version control for your server

gitlab-shell * Ruby 0

Replacement for gitolite

node * JavaScript 0

Node.js JavaScript runtime :sparkles::turtle::rocket::sparkles:

ijkplayer * C 0

Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.0, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.

Android-Ultra-Photo-Selector * Java 0

Select images from Android devices made easy :-) Start Activity PhotoSelectorActivity, this is the main entry point

VitamioBundle * Java 0

Vitamio for Android

CameraStreaming * Java 0

Android RTMP直播的例子(A demo for camera streaming H.264,AAC using RTMP on Android)

BlackheartedHospital * 0


android_coding_style * Java 0

coding style guide

react-native * Java 0

A framework for building native apps with React.

Android-RoundCornerProgressBar * Java 0

Round Corner Progress Bar Library for Android

bugfreejs * JavaScript 0


shadowsocks-android * C 0

A Shadowsocks client for Android

shadowsocks * 0

the-art-of-command-line * 0

Master the command line, in one page

XiyouLibrary * Java 0


captcha-ocr * Java 0

java decaptcha * HTML 0

editor * HTML 0

The official Code in the Dark editor

HttpServer * Java 0

Httpserver powered by Java.

android-Ultra-Pull-To-Refresh * Java 0

Ultra Pull to Refresh for Android. Support all the views.

AndroidSwipeLayout * Java 0

The Most Powerful Swipe Layout!

Titanic * Java 0

Android experiment showing a sinking TextView

AndroidStaggeredGrid * Java 0

An Android staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.

jvm-serializers * Java 0

Benchmark comparing serialization libraries on the JVM

fresco * Java 0

An Android library for managing images and the memory they use.

weibo_android_sdk * Java 0

sina weibo android sdk

bmob-android-im-sdk * Java 0


AverageScore Java 0

HowOldServer Java 0

HowOld server

HowOldClient Java 0

人脸识别 年龄判断。 By mc. Thanks for Google

Taurus * Java 0

A little more fun for the pull-to-refresh interaction. Made in

android-swipe-image-viewer * Java 0

Android Image Viewer that moves to the previous and next images by swiping

image-pager-indicator * Java 0

An android code with an image pager and an indicator

Side-Menu.Android * Java 0

android_maze Java 0

this is the maze of android.

android_calculator Java 0


bt 0


libutp * 0

uTorrent Transport Protocol library

ARP-project Java 0

learngit C 0

learn about git

cardsui-for-android * 0

Fork of the CardsUI library by Nadav Fima with more features, including the popular Google Now & Google Play cards views, and an additional MVC implementation

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
Python 714 99.22% 389
HTML 1650 98.16% 16
Shell 2720 91.31% 3
Java 2797 96.90% 85
JavaScript 3286 97.02% 71
更新于2021-09-18 04:18:11