David Zhang


rabel Ruby 640

An open-source web forum built on the Ruby on Rails framework.

blumine Ruby 99

An Easy-to-use project management tool (no longer maintained....)

china_pay Ruby 56

A simple payment abstraction library for china payment gateways

airway Go 34

Full-stack web framework written in Go, inspired by Ruby on Rails.

aeolus PHP 7

PHP framework for productive Web development

hsubdomain * Go 1


rename Go 1

A rename utility written in Go

social-share-button-js JavaScript 1

Npm package for adding social share buttons to your Rails site

waterway Go 0

The full-stack Go framework to build API and websites faster with ORM

kamal * 0

Deploy web apps anywhere.

airway-mysql 0

The airway framework, using the mysql database

amber * Go 0

Amber is an elegant templating engine for Go Programming Language, inspired from HAML and Jade

emo Go 0

The default implementation of the Emo programming language

emo-lang.org HTML 0

The official website for the Emo programming language

rucaptcha * 0

Captcha Gem for Rails, which generates captcha image by Rust.

wechat-pay * Ruby 0

A simple Wechat pay ruby gem in api V3

figaro * Ruby 0

Simple Rails app configuration

okex Ruby 0


rails7-sogou Ruby 0

Rails 7 实战教程之《从零开发搜狗网站》源代码

gojson Go 0

An unix tool to parse JSON in shell scripts

monkey Go 0

The Monkey programming language

logsink Go 0

Collect from multiple log files and print on console

goph * Go 0

🤘 The native golang ssh client to execute your commands over ssh connection. 🚀🚀

sshc Go 0

custom built ssh client for easy scripting

cidr * 0

CIDR aggregator for IPv4 addresses

multissh * Go 0


odbc_adapter * 0

An ActiveRecord ODBC adapter

activestorage-aliyun * Ruby 0

Wraps the Aliyun OSS as an Active Storage service.

kramdown * 0

kramdown is a fast, pure Ruby Markdown superset converter, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions.

social-share-button * Ruby 0

Helper for add social share feature in your Rails app. Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, Douban ...

mina-nginx * 0

Mina tasks for handle with Nginx.

ruby_identicon * Ruby 0

A Ruby gem for creating Github like identicons

daemons-rails * Ruby 0

Daemons gem integration into Rails 5.2

china_city * Ruby 0

省市区街道四级联选择 Rails Engine Gem

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
Ruby 16 99.91% 795
Go 1012 97.34% 36
PHP 2221 91.70% 7
JavaScript 25304 65.81% 1
更新于2024-03-29 03:03:25