
Hangzhou, China

Tiny C 2494

an image compression framework.(一个高保真、高压缩比的图片压缩框架)

Recovery Java 1673

a crash recovery framework.(一个App异常恢复框架)

JsBridge Java 192

js and java call each other.(一个JS与Java互相通信框架)

ApiInspect Groovy 86

An api compatibility inspect gradle plugin.(一个Api兼容性检测的Gradle插件)

UrlRouter Java 76

a routing framework support via the url to jump to the activity.

Android-ScalingActivityAnimator Java 53

an interesting pop-view animation.

FFmpeg-Compile-For-Android Shell 38

Compile FFmpeg shared libraries for android platform.

Android-QuickReturnHeaderAndFooter Java 26

a quick return effect, use a custom CoordinatorLayout.Behavior.

SwipeBackActivity Java 25

A gesture activity support sliding back to the right!

FrescoPlus Java 20

fresco library of secondary packaging.

findViewById-support Java 18

The IDEA plugin for generate findViewById code automatic. Support Java and Kotlin.(一个自动生成FindViewById的IDEA插件,支持Java和Kotlin)

flutter-wrapper-cli Batchfile 8

gradle-plugin-support Java 8

The IDEA plugin for help to create and develop a standard Gradle Plugin project.(一个用于创建和开发一个标准的Gradle Plugin工程的IDEA插件,包含生成标准的Gradle Plugin工程、BuildSrc工程与Groovy Class)

external-plugin-support 8

The IDEA plugin to show the source code [Groovy、Java、Class] for Android Gradle Plugin and Custom Gradle Plugin. Such as External Libraries.(一个用于显示Gradle Plugin源码树的IDEA插件,类似External Libraries)

PullToLoad Java 6

a refresh framework supports any view and multiple nested views, and contains the wrapper which can load more.

AsyncExecutor Java 3

An asynchronous task processing lightweight framework!

Librtmp-Compile-For-Android C 3

Compile Librtmp shared libraries for android platform.

android-tech-frontier * 3


App-Architecture * Java 2


ImageRepository 2

Image Repository.

android-architecture * 2

A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.

android_guides * 2

Extensive Open-Source Guides for Android Developers

floatingsearchview * Java 1

A search view that implements a floating search bar also known as persistent search

AndroidArchitectureCollection * 1

安卓架构文章合集(a collection of android Architecture)

AndroidNetworkTools * Java 1

Set of useful android network tools

ipc-eventbus * Java 1

IPC EventBus provides a simple EventBus API for intra-JVM and extra-JVM communication with process launching capabilities. This library's goal is to be used for integration tests to isolate components in different processes and provide a way to communicate between these process.

flutter * Dart 1

Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.

react-native * JavaScript 1

此项目从官方 fork 下来,正在逐步翻译项目中的英文文档。

fresco * Java 1

An Android library for managing images and the memory they use.

Android-Plugin-Framework * Java 1

Android Plugin Framework 插件开发框架及示例程序,原理介绍等

langtools Java 1

The langtools repository of OpenJDK , including javac source code.

dexLazyLoad * Java 1

Android-DropAnimationSample Java 1

Animation with a timestamp drop down

awesome-android-ui * 1

A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries

PhotoView * 0

Implementation of ImageView for Android that supports zooming, by various touch gestures.

mustache.github.com * 0

The {{official}} website

rebound * Java 0

A Java library that models spring dynamics and adds real world physics to your app.

network-connection-class * Java 0

Listen to current network traffic in the app and categorize the quality of the network.

android-ui-toolkit-demos * Java 0

Sunzxyong.github.io HTML 0

This is my personal blog!

engine * C++ 0

The Flutter engine

BintrayUpload 0

A gradle plugin for distributing android library to the maven repository.

vlayout * Java 0

Project vlayout is a powerfull LayoutManager extension for RecyclerView, it provides a group of layouts for RecyclerView. Make it able to handle a complicate situation when grid, list and other layouts in the same recyclerview.

android-arscblamer * Java 0

ArscBlamer is a command-line tool that can parse an Android app's resources.arsc file and extract useful, actionable information about its contents

TextLayoutBuilder * Java 0

An Android library that allows you to build text layouts more easily.

material-components-android * Java 0

Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for Android

libyuv-android * C++ 0

Build Google libyuv with NDK for Android

Java-WebSocket * HTML 0

A barebones WebSocket client and server implementation written in 100% Java.

tinker * Java 0

Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.

NinePatchChunk * Java 0

Simple Android library which allows you to create a chunk for NinePatchDrawable at runtime. So you are able to load 9.png images, for example, from assets of your application or from other source.

GlideBitmapPool * Java 0

Glide Bitmap Pool is a memory management library for reusing the bitmap memory

platform_frameworks_base * Java 0

freeline * Python 0

dexcount-gradle-plugin * Groovy 0

A Gradle plugin to report the number of method references in your APK on every build.

javapoet * Java 0

A Java API for generating .java source files.

Hermes * Java 0

A smart, novel and easy-to-use framework for Android Inter-Process Communication (IPC). (简单易用的安卓进程间通信IPC框架)

skin-sprite * Java 0

Yet another daynight switcher solution without recreating activity

DroidFix * Java 0

AndroidHotFix/Android 代码热修复

ReLinker * Java 0

A robust native library loader for Android.

redex * C++ 0

A bytecode optimizer for Android apps

uCrop * Java 0

Image Cropping Library for Android

Phoenix * Java 0

Phoenix Pull-to-Refresh

ImageBlurring * Java 0

Android Blurring Image(Bitmap) By Java And JNI.

BlurImageView * Java 0

BlurImageView, you can load your image progressively like Medium.First show user a blurry image, At the same time, load the real image, once loaded, replace the blurry one automatically

sweet-alert-dialog * Java 0

SweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog

NiftyDialogEffects * Java 0

Nifty Modal Dialog Effects

WoWoViewPager * Java 0

Optimized for scrolling app intros or making your CV app. Free and open source.

adb-idea * Java 0

A plugin for Android Studio and Intellij IDEA that speeds up your day to day android development.

DanmakuFlameMaster * Java 0

大弹幕时代来临了,这里是Android上最好的开源弹幕引擎·烈焰弹幕使 ~ 被弹幕吞噬吧!

android-discuss * 0

Android 问题交流讨论坛, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:

android-auto-scroll-view-pager * Java 0

Android auto scroll viewpager or viewpager in viewpager 微信公众号:codekk

android-lite-http * Java 0

LiteHttp is a simple, intelligent and flexible HTTP framework for Android. With LiteHttp you can make HTTP request with only one line of code! It could convert a java model to the parameter and rander the response JSON as a java model intelligently.

BeautifulRefreshLayout * Java 0

A bueautiful RefreshLayout

android-vertical-slide-view * Java 0

vertical slide to switch to the next fragment page, looks like vertical viewpager

Android-Dev-Favorites * 0

The repository is Android development favorites, It used to collect the knowledge of Android Development.

notes * 0

tech notes

morphy-toolbar * Java 0

A morphing toolbar that can expand/collapse at anytime

android-times-square * Java 0

Standalone Android widget for picking a single date from a calendar view.

okio * Java 0

A modern I/O API for Java

android-best-practices * Java 0

Do's and Don'ts for Android development, by Futurice developers

blockcanary * Java 0

A transparent ui-block detection library for Android.

MaterialSearchView * Java 0

Cute library to implement SearchView in a Material Design Approach

AndroidUitl Java 0

Useful android developer uitl

mosby * Java 0

A Model-View-Presenter library for modern Android apps

ImageSelector * Java 0

Image Selector

glide * Java 0

An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling

Android-Universal-Image-Loader * Java 0

Powerful and flexible library for loading, caching and displaying images on Android.

Rss-IT * 0

这个项目记录了个人订阅的一些科技人的Blog地址,欢迎大家推荐,一起来完善! 欢迎自荐......

Android-Skin-Loader * Java 0


ReactNative_Android_QA * 0

AndFix * C++ 0

AndFix is a library that offer hot-fix for Android App.

material_design_zh_2 * 0

Material Design 中文版 ( 2015 年 8 月更新)

google-hosts * Stata 0

Google hosts

okhttp * Java 0

An HTTP+SPDY client for Android and Java applications.

AndResGuard * Java 0

proguard resource for Android by wechat team

GuideBackgroundColorAnimation * Java 0

A library for making the background color change while you scoll the viewpager

MaterialTransitions * Java 0

Sample material transition animations for Android

Android-Material-Examples * Java 0

Little bites of Material Design

Android-ClipLayout * Java 0

android-PullRefreshLayout * Java 0

This component like SwipeRefreshLayout, it is more beautiful than SwipeRefreshLayout.

android-parallax-recyclerview * Java 0

An adapter which could be used to achieve a parallax effect on RecyclerView.

ProgressLayout * Java 0

custom progress layout view for Android

shadowsocks-windows * C# 0

android-collapse-calendar-view * Java 0

Android calendar view that can be toggled between week and month view.

PinnedHeaderExpandableListView * Java 0



README文件语法解读,即Github Flavored Markdown语法介绍

colorpicker * 0

ColorPicker is a library which contains the beautiful ColorPicker that can be seen in the new Google Agenda app

ActivityTransition * 0

An android project presenting some transitions you can use between activities

android-open-project * 0

Collect and classify android open source projects, 交流 QQ 群:6322(入群理由必须填写群介绍问题答案)4677

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
Groovy 26 99.05% 86
C 37 99.93% 2497
Batchfile 74 97.01% 8
Java 335 99.63% 2110
Shell 587 98.45% 38
更新于2021-09-27 18:49:41