ralph li

China, Hunan, Changsha

MMPopupView Objective-C 2113

Pop-up based view(e.g. alert sheet), can be easily customized.

MMTweenAnimation Objective-C 1136

A extension of POP(from facebook) custom animation. Inspired by tweaner(https://code.google.com/p/tweaner), MMTweanerAnimation provide 10 types of custom animation while using POP.

MMPlaceHolder Objective-C 1003

A drop in solution to show UIView's size. Only one line code to use it.

MMParallaxCell Objective-C 463

A subclass of UITableViewCell to present the parallax effect

MMSpinImageView Objective-C 283

A UIView to show 360 degree spin photography

MMPulseView Objective-C 186

DemoTaskTray Objective-C 151

Demo shows advanced usage with iCarousel. A copycat of task tray in iOS9

DemoBackgroundLocationUpdate Objective-C 128

Demo shows how to deal with background location update

XXPagingScrollView Swift 116

Paged scrollView with custom paging width

DemoComplexCell Objective-C 54

Demo for how to deal with complex cell

DemoQRCode Objective-C 54

Demo shows how to deal with QRCode without 3rd party library

DemoMasonry Objective-C 51

demo shows how to use Masonry.

MMNavigatorFont Objective-C 47

A xcode plugin to change the font of navigator

DemoMasonryPlus Objective-C 44

2015-12-12 douyu source & keynote

DemoDiallingCode Objective-C 38

Demo shows how to deal with dialling code

DemoScrollViewAutolayout Objective-C 35

Demo show how uiscrollview works with autolayout

DemoNavigationURI Objective-C 31

Demo shows Navigation With URI

XXPlaceHolder Swift 25

Swift version of MMPlaceHolder

MMCategory Objective-C 18

categories i used in projects

DemoTodayWidget Objective-C 8

Demo show how to build today widget programmatically

DemoAntiAliasing Objective-C 7

Demo shows Anti-Aliasing with rotated image

adad184.github.com HTML 2

XXPopupView 2

Swift version of MMPopupView

TheManWhoChangedTengxun 1

You know it!

DemoAutolayout 1

adad184.github.com.source JavaScript 1

plugins * 0

Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team

edge_detection * 0

This is a flutter plugin to detect edges in a live camera, take the picture of detected edges object, crop it and save.

go-common * Go 0

哔哩哔哩 bilibili 网站后台工程 源码

Potatso-iOS * Swift 0

Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9.

TodayMind * Swift 0

Make Reminder Great Again

XXParallaxCell 0

Swift version of MMParallaxCell

NewEBuy * Objective-C 0

New Edition And New Design

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
Objective-C 27 99.89% 5850
Swift 281 97.97% 141
HTML 6304 89.80% 2
JavaScript 25304 65.81% 1
更新于2021-08-29 03:10:42