
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Xi'An, China

GSLAM C++ 766

A General Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Framework which supports feature based or direct method and different sensors including monocular camera, RGB-D sensors or any other input types can be handled.

Map2DFusion C++ 214

This is an open-source implementation of paper: Real-time Incremental UAV Image Mosaicing based on Monocular SLAM.

SummerCamp2018 C++ 108


PICMake C++ 54

你还在学CMake的过程中毫无头绪吗?你还在为复杂程序库依赖发愁吗?你是否觉得原生CMake的编写冗余而低效?那就快来学习和使用PICMake吧!只需要一行,无论是可执行,动态库还是静态库,轻松搞定!同时高效支持多目标,复杂库的编译安装,从此告别大量冗余CMake代码,专注开发核心应用程序,编译不再愁! 例如下面是使用PICMake编译一个依赖OpenGL的可执行文件,只需要一行!

Svar C++ 33

A Tiny Modern C++ Header Brings Unified Interface for Different Languages

RTMapperSDK C 27

RTMapperSDK is the c++ sdk for application development like RTMapper. It handle images captured with UAVs and outputs ortho mosaic at realtime.

VideoCompare C++ 5

This application is designed to find the differences between two videos. The reference video is indexed with BoWs and so that the second video is able to find the best match keyframe from reference video very fast.

svar_rosbridge C++ 4

A C++11 based cross-language (C++/Python/Node-JS) rosbridge client with CBOR support.

GSLAM-TheiaSfM C++ 4


The VINS-Mobile implementation plugin for GSLAM


The EICAM is the a part of PIL library, which includes some pretty useful tools for C++ programing espesially in the areas of moblile robotics and CV (computer vision). Since cameras projection and unprojection actions are often needed in CV or other area such as Robot localization like SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping), we provided EICAM for efficient implimentation of different camera models including PinHole, ATAN, OpenCV, OCAM .etc.

GSLAM_OptimizerPBA C++ 3

An optimizer plugin base on PBA for GSLAM later then version 2.1.0, which implement parallel bundle adjust with GPU or multi-core CPU.

svar_nsq C++ 3

highstitch 3

Code for paper: HighStitch: High Altitude Georeferenced Aerial Images Stitching for Rocking Telephoto Lens

phantom3-village-kfs 3

A sample sequence for Map2DFusion.

ShellToolkit Shell 3

This package is aim to help Linux/UNIX users to collect their own bash shells and got better experience. You can doing a lot of things easily by this tool, such as ‘cd’ to a folder faster, automatically config your Makefile environment, help you remember program history thing and complete your parameters later, and so on. Enjoy it!

svar_monitor C 2

Small c++ svar module to monitor the CPU, Memory and IO usages.

Messenger CMake 2

An alternative option to replace ROS message transfering with single header from GSLAM.

PIL C++ 2

The PIL library includes some pretty useful tools for C++ programing espesially in the areas of moblile robotics and CV (computer vision), includes ThreadBase,Svar,TImer,SE3 in PI_Base and hardwares support like Cameras, GPS and so on.

cheat.sh * Python 1

the only cheat sheet you need

SummerCamp2018Homework * Shell 1

Homework Statistics of SummerCamp2018

fengniao 1


The Javascript wapper of GSLAM.

GBoW C++ 1

GSLAM implementation of DBoW, with only headers and removed dependency of OpenCV.

EssentialTracker C++ 1

DatasetNetwork C++ 1

dvo_slam * C++ 1

Dense Visual Odometry and SLAM

svar_messenger C++ 0

A svar module implemented ros like pub/sub.

svar_exif C++ 0

A Svar Module to read image meta

svar_zstd C 0

The svar module of zstd compression library.

Tello-Python * 0

This is a collection of python modules that interact with the Ryze Tello drone.

svar_js C++ 0

A tiny wrapper to call c++ in javascript with Svar.

svar_v8 C++ 0

Call c++ though svar_module for Node-JS

svar_http C++ 0

Call Svar Module Through Internet

stb_image_write * C 0

OCaml bindings to stb_image_write, a public domain image writer

Svar1 C++ 0

Svar: A light-weight, efficient, thread-safe parameter setting, dynamic variable sharing and command calling util class.

Yaml C++ 0

cmake_example * Python 0

Example pybind11 module built with a CMake-based build system

dockcross * Shell 0

Cross compiling toolchains in Docker images

OpenDroneMap * C++ 0

OpenDroneMap is a tool to postprocess drone, balloon, kite, and street view data to geographic data including orthophotos, point clouds, & textured mesh. In the tradition of the Ship of Theseus, it was originally forked from qwesda/BundlerTools https://github.com/qwesda/BundlerTools.

tiny-dnn * C++ 0

header only, dependency-free deep learning framework in C++14

RTMapper 0

Public RTMapper software& SDK for bug issues and downloads

PIL2 C 0

New version of PIL

ROS_DEMO * C++ 0

BezierKnife C++ 0

A little demo project of OpenGL programing with QT.

PI_Base C++ 0

The PI_Base is the base part of PIL library, which includes some pretty useful tools for C++ programing espesially in the areas of moblile robotics and computer vision. Since parameters parsing and time useage statistics are two of the most needed fuction for program development, we provide an enficient and thread safe implimentation of them, and this documentation will focus on their usage introduction.

rcnn-depth * Matlab 0

Learning Rich Features from RGB-D Images for Object Detection and Segmentation

ScaViSLAM * C++ 0

This is a general and scalable framework for visual SLAM. It employs "Double Window Optimization" (DWO).

rpg_svo * C++ 0

Semi-direct Visual Odometry

rpg_dvs_ros * C++ 0

ROS packages for DVS

ORB_SLAM * C++ 0

A Versatile and Accurate Monocular SLAM

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
C++ 61 99.90% 1209
CMake 116 92.31% 2
C 1427 97.30% 29
Shell 2307 92.90% 4
Python 19867 67.11% 1
更新于2021-09-27 20:35:19