Espressif Systems

Shanghai, China

arduino-esp32 C 7349

Arduino core for the ESP32

esp-idf C 7124

Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for ESP32.

esptool Python 4021

Espressif SoC serial bootloader utility

ESP8266_RTOS_SDK C 2518

Latest ESP8266 SDK based on FreeRTOS, esp-idf style.

esp-who C 1105

Face detection and recognition framework

esp-iot-solution C 1001

Espressif IoT Library. IoT Device Drivers, Documentations And Solutions.

esp-adf C 827

Espressif Audio Development Framework


ESP8266 nonOS SDK

esp32-camera C 726


A demo that should be run with ESP8266 Non-OS SDK

esp-mdf C 600

Espressif Mesh Development Framework

ESP8266_AT C 459

This project is not maintained, please use

esp-mqtt C 439

ESP32 mqtt component

esp-at C 388

AT application for ESP32 ESP-IDF & ESP32C3 ESP-IDF & ESP8266 ESP8266_RTOS_SDK

vscode-esp-idf-extension TypeScript 365

Visual Studio Code extension for ESP-IDF projects

esp32-nesemu C 364

Proof-of-concept NES emulator for the ESP32

esp-apple-homekit-adk C 357

This is a port for Apple's Open Source HomeKit ADK

esp-aliyun C 279

Aliyun Iotkit-embedded, support esp32 & esp8266.

esp-homekit-sdk C 261

esp-idf-template Makefile 251

Template application for

esp-drone C 207

Mini Drone/Quadcopter Firmware for ESP32 and ESP32-S Series SoCs.

openocd-esp32 C 204

OpenOCD branch with ESP32 JTAG support

esp-skainet C 200

Espressif intelligent voice assistant

esp-dl C++ 194

Espressif deep-learning library for AIoT applications

esp-va-sdk C 191

Espressif's Voice Assistant SDK: Alexa, Google Voice Assistant, Google DialogFlow


ESP31B SDK based on FreeRTOS. For ESP32 please see

esp-dsp C 176

DSP library for ESP-IDF

esp-hosted C 172

Hosted Solution (Linux/MCU) with ESP32 (Wi-Fi + BT + BLE)

llvm-xtensa * LLVM 166

This repository is archived. See instead.

esp-sr C 165

Speech recognition

llvm-project * 162

Fork of LLVM with Xtensa specific patches. To be upstreamed.

idf-eclipse-plugin Java 157

Eclipse plugin for ESP-IDF CMake based projects (4.x and above)

esp-rainmaker C 157

ESP RainMaker Agent for firmware development

esp-azure C 149

SDK to connect ESP8266 and ESP32 to Microsoft Azure IoT services

esp-gdbstub C 147

esp-serial-flasher C++ 117

Library for flashing Espressif SoCs from other MCUs.

esp8266-rtos-sample-code C 116

esp32-doom C++ 111

A proof-of-concept port of PrBoom to the ESP32. Needs psram hardware.

esp32-wifi-lib Shell 109

ESP32 WiFi stack precompiled libraries

esp-google-iot C 107

Google Cloud IoT SDK as an ESP-IDF Component

esp-aws-iot C 106

AWS-IoT SDK as an ESP-IDF component

esp-jumpstart C 92

Jumpstart from concept to production

rust-esp32-example CMake 91

Example of Rust integration into an ESP-IDF project, for ESP32 series of chips

esp-dev-kits C 87

esp-idf-provisioning-android Java 77

Android Provisioning application for ESP-IDF Unified provisioning

esp-idf-provisioning-ios Swift 68

tensorflow * C++ 63

An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

crosstool-NG * Shell 62

crosstool-NG with support for Xtensa

clang-xtensa * C++ 61

This repository is archived. See instead.

esp32-bt-lib 60

ESP32 Bluetooth stack (below HCI layer) precompiled libraries

esp8266-nonos-sample-code C 57

esp32-arduino-lib-builder C 54

qemu * C 53

Fork of QEMU with Espressif patches. See Wiki for details.

esp-ali-smartliving C 53

阿里云生活物联网平台 & 天猫精灵 IoT 开放平台

esp-csi C 49

Applications based on Wi-Fi CSI (Channel state information), such as indoor positioning, human detection

esp-nimble * C 43

A fork of NimBLE stack, for use with ESP32 and ESP-IDF

esp-lwip C 43

Fork of lwIP ( with ESP-IDF specific patches


Arduino library for displays found on ESP-WROVER-KIT

aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C * C 42

SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using embedded C (minor modifications for use with Espressif ESP-IDF)

kicad-libraries 38

KiCad libraries for Espressif chips and modules

binutils-esp32ulp C 38

Binutils fork with support for the ESP32 ULP co-processor

ESP8266_RTOS_ALINK_DEMO Assembly 36

Alink 1.0 早期版本

esp8266-alink-v1.0 C 33

alink v1.0

esp31-smsemu C 32

esp-joylink C 30

Demo project for JD joylink, support esp32 & esp8266.

esp-rainmaker-android Java 28

ESP RainMaker Android app sources

esp32-alink-demo C 28

Demo project for alink, include embed and SDS

esp32-iotivity C 27

Guide you to make your ESP32 support OCF/OIC.

esp8266-alink-sds C 26

Demo project for alink SDS

AliOS-Things * C 25

AliOS Things released by Alibaba is an open-source implementation of operating system (OS) for Internet of Things (IoT).

esp-qcloud C 24

基于 ESP-IDF 原生开发接入腾讯 IoT Explorer,支持 ESP32/ESP32S2,快速实现腾讯连连控制。

esp-adf-libs C 24

esptool-js JavaScript 24

Javascript implementation of flasher tool for Espressif chips, running in web browser using WebSerial.

esp-wolfssl C 21

WolfSSL port for ESP-IDF & ESP8266_RTOS_SDK

esp-moonlight C 21

esp-now C 20

A connectionless Wi-Fi communication protocol

idf-installer Inno Setup 20

ESP IDF Windows Installer

newlib-esp32 C 19

Version of newlib used in ESP32 ROM and ESP-IDF

esp32c3-direct-boot-example Assembly 18

Example of ESP32-C3 (rev. 3 and later) "direct boot" feature.

esp-insights C 17

ESP Insights

esp-rainmaker-ios Swift 16

ESP RainMaker iOS app sources

esp-baidu-iot C 16

Baidu 天工物联网平台 support for ESP32 & ESP8266.

xtensa-isa-doc TeX 15

tinyusb * C 15

Fork of tinyusb project with Espressif-specific patches.

usb-pids 14

Customer-allocated USB PIDs under the Espressif VID

idf-env Rust 14

idf-env tool helps set up and manage ESP-IDF installations

esp-afr-sdk C 11

Espressif Base SDK for (Amazon) FreeRTOS

esp32-alink C 11

This is a porting of alink in esp32, it's just a component, you can use it as submodule in your project. Please refer to esp32-alink-demo.

esp-faq 10

Adafruit-GFX-Library * C 10

Adafruit GFX graphics core library, forked to add ESP32 support

esp-welink C 10

Tencent 微瓴 support for ESP32 & ESP8266.

esp-cryptoauthlib C 9

Release only fork of

esp8266-dual-cloud C 9

esp8266 dual cloud support demo, now support alink + joylink.

esp-gateway C 8

mbedtls * C 8

An open source, portable, easy to use, readable and flexible SSL library

kconfig-frontends C 8

Fork of kconfig-frontends project with some modifications for use with ESP-IDF

eclipse-plugin-esp32 * C 8

This repository is archived. Please use instead.

pytest-embedded Python 7

Collection of pytest plugins for embedded projects

gcc * C 7

esp32c3-bt-lib 6

ESP32-C3/S3 Bluetooth stack (below HCI layer) precompiled libraries

esp-idf-ci-action * PowerShell 6

GitHub Action for ESP32 CI

github-actions Python 6

Github Actions developed/used by Espressif

esp-debug-adapter Python 5

An implementation of Microsoft Debug Adapter Protocol server which works with GDB.

connectedhomeip * C++ 5

Matter (formerly Project CHIP) is creating more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivity Standards Alliance (formerly Zigbee Alliance).

xtensa-overlays C 5

Configuration overlays of Xtensa cores used by Espressif. These overlays are applied when building GCC, Binutils, GDB, Newlib.

asio * C++ 5

Asio C++ Library

json_parser * 4

JSON Parser on top of JSMN

svd 4

SVD files for ESP32

esp-freertos-coremqtt C 4

idf-python PowerShell 3

Project which packages a minimal self-contained Python distributions with pip and virtualenv included.

esp-wireless-drivers-3rdparty C 3

Wi-Fi and BT drivers packaged for integration into 3rd party repositories. Work in progress.

idf-python-wheels PowerShell 3

Build Python Wheels for Offline and Online installation. Online installation is using

openthread * C++ 2

Espressif fork of OpenThread project, used to maintain ESP-specific patches and release branches

binutils-gdb * C 2

Unofficial mirror of sourceware binutils-gdb repository. Updated daily.

zephyr-toolchain 2

Toolchain for Espressif chips for use in Zephyr

idf-component-manager Python 1

Tool for installing ESP-IDF components

json_generator * 1

A simple JSON generator with flushing capability

sphinx_idf_theme * Sass 1

Fork of the Read The Docs Sphinx theme, used for ESP-IDF documentation

sphinx_selective_exclude * 1

Sphinx extension (plugin) to make ".only::" directive work like you expect. (Plus some other goodies for selective indexes.)

esp-nuttx-bootloader Shell 0

This repository provides 2nd stage bootloader and partition table binaries for NuttX users of ESP chips.

esp-thread-lib 0

Thread protocol related precompiled libraries for ESP-IDF

esp-ieee802154-lib 0

IEEE-802.15.4 precompiled libraries.

esp-phy-lib Shell 0

Precompiled libraries for low-level RF functions in Espressif chips

esp-docs Python 0

Python based wrapper for Sphinx, intended to simplify and extend Sphinx's functionality to better suit the documentation needs for Espressif's development frameworks

esp-rainmaker-cli Python 0

innosetup-cmdlinerunner C 0

Extension for InnoSetup for executing and processing stdout of shell commands

esp-rainmaker-admin-cli Python 0

esp-rainmaker-common C 0

ESP RainMaker Common

inno-download-plugin * 0

Mirror of

编程语言 排名 好于 星星数
C 1 100.00% 28468
Python 74 99.92% 4040
TypeScript 127 99.40% 365
C++ 143 99.77% 601
Java 1505 98.34% 262
更新于2021-09-27 22:06:02